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She appeared in the main room and huffed out a breath, dropping onto the couch next to Barnes... 'What do you think? Was it too much?..'

'Does it matter what we think?..'.. Rogers asked her and she chuckled.

'Nope, but it is about you lot..'.. She gestured around.

'I thought it was hot..'.. Romanoff leaned across Barnes, patting her leg.

'Oh I'm flattered Romanoff, but I can assure you, you cant handle me..'.. She blew a kiss to the woman who grinned back.

'So far, public opinions are in our favour..'.. Stark informs her, his eyes on the laptop in Potts lap.

'What did you do to him?..'.. Pietro asked her.

'What makes you think I did anything?..'... She feigned innocence, and he smirked at her.

'I've lived with you long enough to know you BB, and you left over an hour ago. You went after him..'.. He got up, and headed to the kitchen, getting her a drink and moving to sit on the arm next to her, as he handed the glass over.

'I've told you before P, me and you aint happening, and secondly, he's still alive and breathing...'.. She sipped her drink... 'And currently trapped in his mind with his darkest fears..'

'That's dark..'.. Wilson shook his head.

'Judge me all you want Wilson, it doesn't bother me..'.. She sat forward, giving him a wicked smile... 'I would much rather have skinned him alive, inch by inch, watching him bleed and beg..'

She saw the disgust in him and he stood, walking out... 'Anyone else want to judge me, feel free. I've already lost everything, what else is there? Besides, I never hurt innocents, only those that deserve it..'

'I'll never judge..'.. Barnes smiles at her... 'Besides, I'd probably offer to give you a hand..'

'Flattered Barnes, but we both know that hand belongs to Romanoff..'.. She chuckled, finishing her drink.

'I aint judging..'.. Stark nodded to her... 'I know this sounds bad, but we need people like you in this world. Wanting to make it better, by taking out bad people, especially those that are well protected..'

'Thanks Stark..'.. She grinned at him.

'I won't lie and say I understand, but I wouldn't mind going without the details, if thats ok?..'.. Rogers sighed.

'Thats fine by me. I wont do details, but if I come back covered in blood or something, then don't even ask..'... She stood, and handed the glass to P, before stretching out... 'I still got some pent up energy, so I'm going for a run, anyone want to join..'.. She could a him stand out of the corner of her eye... 'That's not P?..'.. She slapped the back of her hand to his chest.

'Sure. Can we talk too?..'.. Stark asked her, and she was surprised, but nodded as he stood. She snapped her fingers, dressing them both in in workout clothes.

'Lets go..'.. She jerked her head to the doors, and he fell in step with her... 'Whats it about?..'

'I just want to say first, I know I'm not your dad here, but I'd love to think he'd be proud of you..'.. She saw him glance at her... 'Everyone has a past, make mistakes, but what you've done, you've saved more people than the lives you've taken..'

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