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He had left Evie with his friend, and went to the one person, he knew could help cross over. He had to find her, needed to find her so they could go home, that's if there was a home to go back to.

They had fought together, against an enemy who was more powerful than they expected, who had come for their daughter, knowing how strong she would be.

He sighed, running a hand through his short sandy hair as he walked the streets. This world was a lot different from what he knew, and stopping outside the building, looking up at the statue, he felt defeated. Dr Strange was dead here, how was he meant to find her now.

'Can I help you?..'.. He turned, seeing a familiar face, another they had fought against, Mordo.

'I was hoping that Strange would be here, I needed his help..'.. He gestured to the statue.

'I know who you are..'.. Mordo nods to him, and then holds an arm out, to the building... 'We should talk..'

He nodded curtly, and walked with the man. He had to remember that each world was different. Mordo may have taken the wrong path in his world, but here he may be a good person... 'We are aware of your arrival..'.. Mordo tells him as they step inside, and leads the way.

'I am not here to cause trouble, only that I wish to find my wife and return home..'.. He explains, not wanting to give too much away.

'You are not the only one to cross, we know of your companions..'... That set him on edge. He would not let anyone hurt his daughter, or the man he called a brother... 'Do not be troubled, we know you are no threat to us..'

Mordo leads him into one of the sitting rooms, and gestures to a chair... 'We have been looking for a way to assist you. I am sure this..'.. Mordo waves a hand around... 'Is different from what you know..'

'It is, yes..'.. He sat down, and Mordo set about making tea... 'I assure you, I only wish to find her, to go home..'

'I believe you..'.. Mordo smiled over at him... 'I take it you have spent a little time, to get to know what has happened here..'

'I have yes..'.. He accepted the cup of tea... 'Thank you. It is unusual to find that she does not exist here..'

'She does not..'... Mordo sat opposite him... 'We are aware of the multiverse, our world may not have the heroes that yours does, but we do have our own, that have helped bring this world to peace..'

'I can see that..'.. He sighed... 'Would you happen to know which one she is in?..'

'Yes, and she has already changed the future for that world. She does not exist there either, and her actions has caused a new reality to form..'.. Mordo explains.

'Do I exist in that one? I do not wish to come across another version of myself. Not sure that is something to explain to those who do not understand the concept of the multiverse..'.. He sipped his tea, watching Mordo.

'You do, but with your wife there, she will alter events. You know her well, what would she do?..'.. Mordo asks him and he thinks it over.

'She would find her family, to see if they exist in that one..'.. He nods.

'That is understandable. How long has it been for you, since you saw her?..'.. Mordo drank his tea, setting the cup down.

'A few days, why do you ask?..'... He set his own cup down, frowning.

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