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Charley had shoved him onto the couch, and stood over him... 'I promise you Grant, this fucks things up for Steve, it won't be evil Charley you need to worry about, it's me..'

'Believe me, I already know but-..'.. He went to stand but she shoved him back down.

'Oh no, no no no. You are going to sit right there, and not speak unless I tell you to..'.. She held a hand up... 'I can already see everything in your memories, and it's cause I love Steve so much, I'm holding back ripping you a new one..'

He sighed and sat back, as others rushed into the room... 'Whats going on?..'.. Bucky looked between the two, but seeing Steve on the couch, something felt off.

'My ex-husband decided to fuck around with dark magic, even though he doesn't know how to control it, and dreamwalked. Seems a very pissed off dark copy of me is tearing through realities to kill every single version if Steve Rogers. For what, I don't know, but apparently they need my help..'.. Charley scoffed.

'Charely you can't use dark magic again..'.. Peter came to her side.

'Do you really doubt me? I'm locked down, bitch can't use me..'.. She scowled at him.

'Ok, but..'.. Tony stepped forward... 'How can you even help? You're here not there, unless you take control of her, right?..'

'Not going to do that either. You trust me?..'... She looked to Peter, cupping his face.

'Always. Do I even want to know?..'.. He kissed the palm of her hand.

'Not really cause it'll piss you off. But please, trust me, that I can do this..'.. She said.

'Charley..'... He searched her eyes, seeing sadness... 'What are you going to do? You can't use dark-..'

'I'm going over there..'... She took his hands.

'The RJs..'.. He shook his head and pulled from her... 'You told me you destroyed them..'

'I couldn't. If anything happened here, I could take-..'..

'Take Evie and go. Yeah..'.. His back was to her.

'You really think I only made two?..'.. She huffed a laugh in disbelief... 'I made one, for all of us. You think I could ever watch this family die? Fuck no..'.. He turned around... 'I made more..'

'Then I'm coming with you..'.. He said.

'No..'.. She held a hand up to stop him from talking... 'You exist in that reality, it'll be me and Loki who'll go..'

'Like fuck am I not going! You're pregnant with my kid! Evie needs you here. What if something happens Charley?..'.. Peter didn't want to get angry with her.

'You are staying even if I have to put you to sleep. Loki and I will go, and we will be back. That bitch may have dark magic, but I hold more and you know it..'.. She jabbed him in the chest with her finger... 'Evie needs you here, and if you're that fucking worried, go ask her what happens..'

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