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BB rubbed her forehead, exhausted from the day. Aside from the shit show of the morning, where Parkers friend had spilled secrets he wasn't supposed to know, and Parkers aunt passing out, then waking up having a little breakdown from the information she now knew, it had been a good day.

Evie had named her puppy Casper, after one of her favourite films. Both child and puppy had worn themselves out, and were now tucked up in bed, Evie with Capser cuddled into her.

Closing her daughters bedroom door, she saw Loki standing against the opposite wall, watching her... 'Are you alright?..'

'I'm fine, just tired. Has everyone else gone home?..'.. He had taken care of returning the Bartons, Langs and Parkers back home while she put Evie to bed.

'They have. Can we talk?..'.. He asked her and she nodded, hoping this conversation wasn't what she was thinking. She led the way to her room next door, and invited him in to sit down. She conjured them drinks and sat on her bed, crossing her legs underneath her.

'Ok, out with it..'.. She gestured to him and he chuckled.

'I wanted to thank you..'.. She didn't hide her surprise... 'Though our beginning was surely a rocky start, you gave me a chance to change. You trust me, not only with yourself, but with your daughter too. In another life, you gave me a chance, a family, and for that, I'm thankful. Here..'.. He waved a hand in a geature... 'I have that now, because of you and Evie. I have come to love her, as though she is mine, and I have come to love you..'.. He put a hand up, as she opened her mouth... 'But it is not the same as being in love. I understand why I did it another time, but it is different here..'

BB just nodded, he understood and she smiled at him... 'I have always loved my Loki, and yes, I've come to love you too, but I can't ever compare you both. It's a different kind of love too, and Loki..'.. He gave her a small smile as she shifted to the edge of the bed, holding her hand out, which he took... 'Evie is, and always will be yours, no matter what reality..'

She saw his eyes shine, and he swallowed before taking a shaky breath... 'Thank you B, I cannot express what that means to me..'

'I think it's about time, I start getting called by my name seeing as we're here forever..'.. She gave his hand a squeeze.

'Charley then..'.. He chuckled... 'That will take some getting used to..'

'I'm sure it will. Are you ok?..'.. She asked him and he nodded.

'Lately I have found myself wanting what you had, a love, a life, but I fear my past will hinder me. There are many who would not want to be with me, because of my actions..'.. He sighed.

'Loki, you will find it, I'm sure if you ask Evie, she'll tell you, that girl knows everything..'... She rolled her eyes with a smile... 'And whoever the person is, they will have to get my approval..'.. She winked at him... 'Nothing but the best for you..'

He laughed, and tugged her hand, she she ended up in his lap. He put their drinks down and hugged her... 'Thank you Charley, for everything..'

'You're family Loki, no matter what, I've always got you..'.. She hugged back, feeling her eyes burn... 'They would be proud of the man you have become..'.. She felt his arms tighten around her, and neither said anything more, both needing this comfort.

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