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For the next month, and just into the new year, BB worked relentlessly, with Tony, Banner and both Parkers, to create what little Parker aptly named RJ, reality jumper. She made sure that her and Grant continued to play nice, for Evies sake.

Christmas came and went, with everyone making sure that Evie had been spoiled, and BB had rolled her eyes at the mini iron man suit Tony had made for her daughter. It didnt have weapons, but Evie had a necklace now, where the suit could track her, so if she was ever in danger, it would come to Evie, and fly her off somewhere safe.

'Friday, how are the schematics looking? We still need to bind nuclear energy to exothermic energy, without causing a disruption in the wave functions of electrons. We need a coherent light source, to guide him, but we still need a way to navigate through..'.. She walked around her lab, watching Friday run the simulations.

'You thinking of using quantum mechanics? I mean, it could help..'.. Tony worked at his station, glancing over to her.

'I've asked Lang to bring in Hank Pym. Going to need his assistance on this one. If anyone knows quantum mechanics, its him..'.. She watched the simulation fail again, and she sighed.

'We have the design, we have the how, its just trying to find a way to pinpoint the exact reality..'.. She ran her hand through her hair, when the door opened, Loki stood there... 'Whats up?..'

'We have what we need for the spell, if you wish to continue with it..'.. He nodded to her.

'Yep. He needs to go back without any ties. Dont want him feeling guilt or anything..'.. She scoffed.

'Charley..'.. Her Peter sighed, moving to her, and taking her hand in his... 'He could've stayed when he had the chance, but he came with us, he wants to be here with you..'

'I'm the mind reader Peter, he's not thinking about me, you or Evie. All hes thinking about is fucking her over her desk, again and again. He loves me, but not in love with me. I'm not staying married to him, no chance..'.. She pulled her hand free, and headed to the door... 'If Lang and Pym turn up, call me..'

BB fell into step with Loki, shaking her head... 'Thank you, for doing this..'

Loki was surprised, but he kept his eyes forward... 'I understand your reason, but why not fight for him?..'

'He was right..'.. She turned the corner, heading towards the main room... 'We love each other, but never really in love. This is just another person I'm losing. Everyone dies or leaves, because of me..'

He put a hand out, taking hold of her arm to stop her... 'No. Not at all. Things happen, and from what I know, your family loved you, fought with you. They gave their lives to protect you, as you did. Do not put any blame on your shoulders..'

She stared down at his hand on her arm, and then shrugged him off... 'Too late for that. I didn't save my world, but I will save this one, no matter what..'.. She carried on walking.

Loki had never met a more frustrating person in his very long life. He had watched her since they met, seen the woman she truly was, and yet she blamed herself for everything. He could see why his other self could love her, and Loki couldn't help but wonder, what it would be like to have her for himself.


Nat and Wanda sat with Evie as she drew pictures, but Nat frowned at one. She shifted papers out of the way, and picked it up. It was quite well drawn for a five year old, and she could make out the details... 'Evie, what's this?..'

The little girl paused what she was doing to look at the picture Nat held up, and then carried on... 'That's mama, fighting the bad man again..'

'Whats his name?..'.. Nat glanced to Wanda, seeing that she was confused too.

'Hes just like the bad man who came for me. Hes not strong now, but he wants my brother..'.. Evie said, matter of factly.

'What do you mean?..'.. Wanda leaned in, and Evie brushed through her pictures, pulling another one out, and sliding it to Wanda.

'When daddy is gone, mama is sad. She hurts, she is stuck in the dark. But its ok, papa saves her. They save everyone..'.. She went back to colouring.

Nat and Wanda share a look, as far as they knew, no one had discussed Grant leaving in front of Evie. 'Evie, do you see things, things that haven't happened yet?..'.. Wanda asked her, and the girl smiled across.

'Frigga said my dreams are real..'.. Nat straightened up... 'I knew mama was safe, I saw everyone..'.. Evie giggled, finishing her picture and giving it to Nat... 'I will be the flower girl..'.. Evie hopped off her seat and began to dance about, making red petals appear in the air, floating down to the floor.

Nat looked at the picture with Wanda, and she let out a nervous laugh. It was in crayons, but the names were there. Evie had drawn her and Bucky getting married, with Evie in the middle, hands up and red dots with Nat took as the petals she was creating now.

'Do you think she can really see the future?..'... Wanda asked her quietly.

'I have no idea..'.. Nat glanced to the little girl, and then went through all the pictures. Really looking at them, it seemed they were scenes, drawn out, with names next to the people.

'She said the bad man was coming for her brother, but, BB she doesn't have another child. Unless Evie means little Peter..'.. Wanda started stacking the papers.

'No, I don't think thats it..'.. Nat frowned, shaking her head... 'Friday, wheres BB?..'

'On her way to you now with Loki..'..

Nat pondered Evies words, as she looked through some of the pictures... 'She said BB is hurt and stuck in the dark, but 'papa' saves her..'.. Nat turned to Wanda... 'I think shes talking abo-..'

BB and Loki enter the room, and Nat notices the look in Lokis eyes, as he watches BB scoop Evie up into her arms, swinging her around.

'Oh..'.. Wanda said, realising it... 'Should we tell them?..'

'Tell who what?..'.. BB walks over, smiling at the two of them... 'You drawing more pictures, like daddy?..'

'No mama, I'm drawing my dreams, like Frigga said to do..'.. Evie wriggled and she was put down. She went to the table, and looked through until she found one, handing it to BB... 'Daddy goes soon, back to the Captain lady, she looks like aunt Peggy..'

BB swallowed hard, at how easily Evie talked about it. She looked down at the picture in her hand, seeing crayon Grant, kissing Peggy.

'Don't be sad mama..'.. Evie took her hand... 'You be happy again. We home now, we stay here..'.. BB just gave her a smile and nodded, she didn't know her daughter could see the future, another one of her powers growing, one that BB couldn't shield from. Her fear that Evie would be found in this world, was now bubbling up inside her, all she wanted to do, was protect her daughter.


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