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They were all sat around the main room after having dinner, every single one of them content and full, semi conscious from a food induced coma. Parker had put on a movie for them all, but BB wasn't paying attention, her mind staying back to her first thanksgiving with her husband and Evie, then their first Christmas, and all the other firsts that followed.

She got up and walked out, heading for her lab. She needed to know, if there was a chance of getting back to her family.

Tony watched her go, knowing something was on her mind. When she returned earlier, she was quieter than usual. He wanted to go check on her, but he guessed she wanted some time alone.


'You're burning yourself out..'... Her head came up from her screen, and she blinked away the spots in her vision, seeing Stark stood in the doorway of her lab.

'I'm fine. Go enjoy the rest of the movies with everyone..'.. She waved him off.

'B, its gone midnight, you've been in here for hours..'.. She looked back up at him, surprised. She checked the time on her laptop, seeing he was right.

'I lost track of time..'.. She sat back in her seat, running her hands over her face.

'I can see that..'.. He moved to sit in one of the chairs, opposite her desk... 'Is everything ok?..'

'Yeah I'm just..'.. She let out a tired sigh, closing her laptop... 'I just wanted to check all possibilities, to see if there was a way for me to go home, or get a message across maybe..'

Tony could see how much it was hurting her... 'I can help, and Bruce, we all can. If there is the slightest chance, even in theory, I'll make it happen B. You deserve to be happy, to be with your family..'

She nodded, and swallowed the lump in her throat... 'Thanks Stark. I guess its just..'.. She took a deep breath... 'For the last few years, of being here I never gave myself time to sit and think about them. I just did what I had to, take out the bad guys. Today, it felt like family, for the first time of being here, I felt close to them..'.. She felt tears slip, and she sniffled.

'I can't imagine how hard it is for you..'.. Tony sat forward, and held a hand out across her desk which she took.

'I made it, thinking I wouldn't survive, but this has been torture, knowing I'm alive. I don't know if they are, or if anyone else is. I just hope they are..'.. She used her sleeve to wipe her eyes.

'You're the bravest person I know B. Come on..'.. He gave her hand a tug... 'I got an idea..'

She stood up, and came around, taking his arm that he offered her. He led her out and down to his lab. She knew he never tidied up, it was all chaotic and she couldn't help but chuckle... 'You need a maid..'

'Its organised chaos, just how I like it..'.. He gestured around... 'Not that you need one, but I've been designing a suit for you, but I don't know the full extent of your powers. Was wondering if you wanted to help, kinda need your input..'

She smiled at him and nodded... 'Sure, show me what you got..'

'Great. Friday, bring up the schematics for Echos suit..'.. He moved to the holo display, as Friday did as he asked.

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