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Steve filled them all in on the mission, but his eyes strayed to Bucky, seeing his friend quiet and withdrawn, more than usual. Glancing to the other end where Tony was sitting, the man nodded to him and he sighed... 'Buck, you're off this mission. Tony will take your place..'

'What?..'.. Buckys head came up, looking around at everyone... 'I can do this pal, my head will be in it..'

'I believe you, but I think talking with Charely is more important. I think you need closure about it..'.. Steve tells him, flipping his file closed... 'When she's back, go talk to her..'

'Steve I can do the mission..'.. Bucky sat forward.

'No one is doubting that you can't..'.. Nat puts a hand to thigh... 'But Steve is right, you need to talk to her. We know you, and know you'll do this mission, but you can't avoid her..'

Bucky let out a defeated breath, slouching in his chair... 'I can't talk to her..'... He shook his head... 'I hurt her..'.. He felt a slap to the back of his head and whipped around, to see Charley scowling at him, and his guilt dug the knife in deeper.

'Every time you let yourself feel guilty, over something you had zero control over, something that no one knew, and I'll hit you harder each time, got it?..'.. She glared down at him, and he gave a little nod... 'How the fuck did he find out?..'.. She looked around at the others.

'Uh, we were talking about Strange this morning, and our conversation was playing in my head. Loki must've seen it, and he got upset..'.. Tony explained and she pinched the bridge of her nose, huffing... 'Sorry..'

'Ok, so you lot do the mission. Who's running ops?..'.. She asked folding her arms.

'Maria..'.. Steve tells her.

'Good. Now, you..'.. She poked Bucky in the side of the head... 'Get your ass to my room, and bring Loki with you, go..'.. She snapped her fingers, pointing to the door. He reluctantly got up to do as she asked... 'You..'.. She turned to Nat who blinked, startled slightly... 'After this mission, I want you and Yelena to come see me, got it?..'.. Nat nodded at her... 'Anything else I should know about? I've only been gone three hours..'

'Uh..'.. Sam went to speak, but yelped as he got kicked under the table.

'Spill it..'.. She leaned on the table, glaring him down.

'Its nothi-..'

'Peppers pregnant..'.. Tony rushed out, hoping to distract her from finding out what Evie said... 'She's pregnant. It's early, only three weeks, but..'.. He didn't get to say anything else as she rushed around and threw herself at him, hugging tightly.

'You're an amazing father, and I'm so happy you get to experience this one from the beginning..'.. Tony smiled, rubbing her back and the she pulled away. He could see her eyes shining brightly just like her smile... 'You better be safe on these missions dad, this little one needs you safe. Besides, I can't wait to see how you handle pregnant Pepper..'.. She chuckled, patting his shoulder... 'Just know, every discomfort she'll feel, it's your fault. Contractions, labour, the sleepless nights and the post-baby body, its all your fault..'.. She laughed.

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