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The day after the party, she padded into the main room, seeing that the cleaning crew were still going... 'Guys, its ok, I got it..'.. She flicked her hand, cleaning the entire room... 'You'll still get paid, but go have the rest of the morning off..'.. She tells them and they thank her, heading out.

Sighing to herself, she moves into the kitchen, and begins to make breakfast for everyone, reminding herself to add extra for the four guests. She had started on the pancakes, flipping one with one hand, drinking coffee with the other... 'Morning B..'.. Barnes walks in with a smile, Rogers, Wilson and P following behind him.

'Dont even think of sitting down until you've all showered..'.. She gestured to them with a spatula, knowing they had been out for a run... 'I dont want to smell you while I'm eating..'

'I don't mind smelling while eating..'.. Barnes gave her a wicked smile, and she rolled her eyes.

'I'll tell Romanoff..'... She pointed at him with the utensil, and his smile dropped... 'Yeah, thought so. You got 15, before I dish up, and let me tell you, Odinson and Valkyrie love to eat. If you want breakfast, get moving..'

'I love it when you're bossy..'.. Wilson chuckled, heading across the room to the hallway, leading to the bedrooms. P ran off in a blank, leaving the two soldiers standing there.

'The girls told us about last night..'.. Rogers stepped forward, but she shooed him away.

'Shower first. I can already smell you both from here..'.. She scrunched her nose up at them, making them laugh, as they headed out. Rolling her eyes, she couldnt help but smile. The differences between her world and this one were huge. 

'Any reason I had the soldier boys almost knock us down in a rush?..'.. Stark walked in with Potts, Banner and Maximoff.

'Told them no breakfast until they shower, but I think its gossip thats got them going like they have a rocket up their ass..'.. She laughed... 'Coffee is on, as is the kettle. Cold drinks in the fridge. Fruit, cereal, porridge and yogurts are over there..'.. She gestured to the other end of the kitchen island.

'Everything else will be ready in a few. Could you set the table please?..'.. She asked, and the girls jumped to it with Stark grabbing cutlery, handing it to Banner.

'Uh, sure yeah..'.. Banner started laying the table, but he kept glancing to her.

'If you have any questions Dr Banner, please feel free to ask..'.. She chuckled, plating up pancakes, and racking up the toast, before starting on the bacon and eggs.

'Sorry, its just the girls said that they think your husband is here, and I uh, is it-..'

'Not you..'.. She smiled at him... 'Though I'm sure having you as a husband, is not a bad thing..'

'Oh, ok. Thanks, its just..'.. He set the last of the cutlery down and ran ahand through his hair.

'I can assure you Dr Banner, it isn't you, no offence..'.. She turned back to the food she was cooking.

'Told you..'.. Tony slapped him on the back... 'What do you want to drink?..'

'Uh, coffee will do, thanks..'.. Bruce sighed in relief. She was attractive, sure but he couldn't ever have a normal life, not with the Hulk.

'Come on B, at least give us a name..'.. Wanda teased, as she moved into the kitchen, and grabbed the pancakes for the table.

'You get that Stark can't keep his nose out of anything, right? He'll have the guys entire life on display in the lab..'.. She nodded to Tony.

'I promise, I won't..'.. Tony held his hands up, and she have him a look... 'I wont but Friday will..'

'Exactly. I know you in two universes Stark, so I know you all too well..'.. She chuckled, just as a few more joined them... 'Breakfast is ready..'.. The last few trickled out, and as everyone sat down, ahe noticed one missing... 'Is he really going to sulk like a little child?..'

Thor saw her look him, and he noticed his brother wasn't there... 'It is Loki..'.. He shook his head, and she smirked.

'Everyone remember our first training session, and what happens when someone is late?..'... Thor frowned as her eyes sparkled with trouble, and he heard chuckles rise from the others.

'Friday, record this for me..'.. Tony turned in his seat, looking to the empty space behind him. Thor shared a look with Val, and the two turned in time to see Loki appear on a bed. He scowled at them all, and was about to stand, when water rained down on him, drenching him and the bed, puddling on the floor.

Thor fought so hard not to laugh, he didn't want to mock his brother... 'I am sure Stark gave you the rules Laufeyson, dont ever be late..'.. Loki was glaring at the woman in the kitchen, but suddenly him and the bed were dry, and the bed disappeared... 'You're not the first, and wont be the last to learn that lesson. Now sit down, and have breakfast..'

'Yeah, still think Tony's was funnier..'.. Nat sniggered... 'He deserved it for being an ass..'

'Not exactly the wake up call you want when you're having a really good dream, went from morning wood to morning icicle..'.. Tony shook his head, and the others laughed again.

'So, B..'.. Thor cleared his throat, watching Loki sit opposite. He knew his brother was angry, and hoped he didn't stab anyone... 'You know magic..'

'Yes. I had a good teacher..'.. His eyes flicked to her as she walked over to sit at the table, three seats down from Loki... 'He taught me everything he knew of Eldritch..'.. Thor tilted his head slightly, he would've thought her magic was different.

'Is that the only magic you know?..'.. He asked.

'No. Of course Laufeyson is good in my world, he taught me Asgardian, and Johtunn. Unfortunately for Fandral, I was the best friend..'.. She chuckled.

'You knew Fandral?..'.. Thor sat back, as everyone ate.

'Yes Odinson, I knew him. And for your next few questions, I have been to Asgard. When you're the most powerful on earth, you kind of draw attention. Odin wanted to meet, and we formed an alliance. That is why you three..'.. She gestured to him, Val and Loki... 'Along with your sister, would come when I called..'

'Ah..'.. He nodded.

'Is there anything else we dont know about you?..'.. Sam leaned forward to look down the table at her.

'There are many things you dont know about me Wilson, but you may find out..'.. She laughed, and ate her food.

Thor heard his brother mutter quietly, but not sure what was said... 'You got to give respect to get it Laufeyson. Try interacting with people, being nice. It'll get you further than being miserable..'.. The kind tone that came from her, Thor gave her a small smile and a nod.

A cup of tea appeared in front of Loki, next to his plate, and he didnt have to look to know she had done it. He stared at it, as the sweet smell reminded him of Asgard and his mother. He didn't know if she would hear him, but he said a mental thank you, and heard her reply back... 'You're welcome..'


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