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(55 days left of probation)

Steve knocked on Buckys door frame, seeing it open, but he could hear the two of them laughing before he stepped foot into the hallway... 'Come in..'.. He hears Bucky call, and stepped into the room, and around the corner he saw Bucky on the bed, laughing, with BB laying on her back, wiping her eyes.

'Hey Rogers, you ok?..'.. She grinned up at him, and then sat up, where Bucky shoved her off the bed, hard, making her laugh more... 'Asshole, I'll get you back for that..'.. She got to her feet, and put her hands on her hips.

Steve had no idea what was going on, but he could see that the two were close with one another... 'Uh, I'll come back later..'.. He went to leave when she grabbed his arm, and shoved him to sit on the bed.

'Nope, spill. What's up?..'... She stood in front of him, and he turned his head to Bucky who just shrugged.

'Its something I wanted to talk to you about, privately..'.. He said, darting a look to her.

BB resisted the urge to roll her eyes, as she read him. Yeah, that wasn't happening, she was already married. It didn't matter that she was in another world, to her, she would always be married and no one ever came close to her husband. She loved him with everything she had, and she wasn't attracted to anyone here. Sure, Rogers is cute in the good guy, next door gentleman way, but not for her.

'Barnes, out..'.. She raised an eyebrow at the man, and he just smirked, heading out of the room, knowing better than to say anything. She flicked her hand at the door, and it closed on its own. Sighing, she shifted to sit in the chair by the window... 'Rogers, I'm flattered by what you think of me, but I don't date anyone, ever, and I have my reasons, I'm sorry..'

She saw him blush and look down at his hands... 'Can I ask why?..'

'You can, but I'm not going to answer. I don't mean to be rude about it, but I don't date, and I don't ever want to. Not into women either before you ask..'.. She chuckled, and he glanced over to her... 'I know Hill has been checking you out though. A strong woman like her, who shares a lot in common with you..'.. She clicked her tongue... 'I'm surprised she's not been snapped up yet..'

She saw him smile, and he looked over to her... 'She's intimidating..'

'So are you. You're the poster boy for America, all that's good and pure. It's a heavy mantle to wear, but you wear it well..'.. She chuckled, and he stood heading to Barnes desk, and poured them both a drink from the decanter.

'You think she's interested?..'.. He handed her a glass and sat back down.

'Rogers, your ass alone is perfection, and the way she's been staring at it, looks like she wants to sink her teeth in for a taste..'.. BB smirked at him, and he blushed bright red, downing his drink in one. He coughed and spluttered, pounding his chest to breathe.

'This is asgardain ale...'.. He looked at the empty glass in his hand as he wheezed... 'Where did Buck get it from?..'.. Steve thought it over. Bucky never met Thor, so how did he have any ale.

'I gave it to him..'.. He whipped his head to her, frowning as she downed her glass in one. She didn't react the way he did, as though it didn't affect her at all.

'Where did you get ale from?..'.. He asked, and she waved her hand to the desk, making another decanter appear.
'There's one for you too Rogers. Don't drink it all at once, though you just drank it straight, so you'll be hungover in a few hours..'... She stood up, and patted his shoulder... 'Next time, mix it with something else, and not as much..'.. She headed to the door and pulled it open, seeing Barnes stood against the wall opposite... 'He had a glass of the stuff, thinking it was scotch. He's going to be feeling it soon, so please take care of him..'

Bucky chuckled and nodded... 'How bad is he going to be?..'.. He pushed off from the wall, and the two hear a thud. Turning to look into the room, Steve had passed out on the floor, face down... 'Never mind. Didn't he mix it?..'

'Nope. I didn't even warn him either..'.. BB smirked at him.

'That's just cruel. I got him..'.. He clapped BB on the back and went into his room, to pick Steve up off the floor. He couldn't help but laugh at the whole thing. BB had explained what the drink was, and how much to use. It did help take the edge off his nightmares, and relax him enough to sleep.

Putting Steve into his bed, Bucky moved to sit in his chair by the window. BB was a good person, and he felt really comfortable around her. He could tell by the way she was, that she carried a heavy load on her shoulders. She didn't speak of herself that much, but she had told him that she spoke of her dad to Stark, and told him what she had already said.

He felt an overwhelming urge to hug her, but knew she didn't do physical affection. Bucky didn't feel that way about her, but he did feel as though she was family, her and Parker. Bucky chuckled, the kid had really grown on him, and Parker was always excited to see and work with him.

Bucky had sisters, back in the old days, but they had grown up, moved on with life, but with BB and Parker, it was as though he had siblings again, aside from Steve of course. There was something about the two of them, especially her, that brought out a side to him, he didn't know he still had, fun.

Checking the time on his phone at the desk, he had half hour to get ready. He wanted to take Nat into the city for a date, but BB had told him it was best for now, that the team keep to themselves so on one could cause problems. So, she had set up a date, on the compound, down by the lake. All he had to do, was take Nat there.

He had told her to dress comfortably, and honestly, he was excited too. It had been a long long time, since he dated, but this one actually meant something. Nat wants just another woman he added to his bedpost, she was strong, smart, deadly, and deserved so much more than him, but he would do what it took, to prove he was worth her time...


Nat wouldn't admit it, but she was nervous. The only times she had ever been physically close to Bucky, they were training, and before that, fighting against one another. She though back to the day he had switched, when Zemo activated the solider. She had her legs wrapped around his neck, attacking and he had slammed her to a table, choking her out.

Was it wrong that she found it insanely hot, and it's all she's been thinking about, since they came back to the compound together? All those times of training, seeing him work up a sweat.

The soldier did try to kill her, more than once, but she knew Bucky was completely different from the solider. She couldn't help but wonder, if he was as dominant as that. Shaking her head, she finally settled on a pair of jeans, and a knitted jumper over a sports bra. Honestly, they were more comfy, and he told her to dress comfortable.

Blowing out a breath, she slipped her feet into her trainers, just as there was a knock on her door. She, a badass assassin agent, a black widow, was absolutely nervous. She had never been on a date, not one that wasn't part of a mission, not one where she was genuinely interested in the guy.

Brushing her hands on her jeans, she stood and opened her door. There he was, smiling at her, as if no one else existed in the world, and right then, she knew she was a goner.


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