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She headed to her secure location, knowing it was completely off the grid, using generators to power the place. She sighed, letting herself in, after the training session, she was exhausted, barely sleeping the night before. She needed them to be a team, just in case what happened to her, would happen here.

She tossed the keys into the dish by the door, leaning back on it, as she kicked off her shoes. Hearing the sounds of tapping, she headed to the second bedroom, down the hall and pushed the door open. She smiled, seeing him sitting back against the headboard, headphones on he was tapping a pen to his notebook.

He turned his head, seeing her there as she leaned against the doorframe, folding her arms... 'Thought you'd be back sooner..'.. He slipped off his headphones, dropping on the bed next to him.

'Got caught up in a few things. How's the notes coming? Are you remembering any more?..'.. She nodded to him, and he smiled, flipping a page and turning it to show her. It was a drawing, done in pen of the little red head back at the compound.

'I see her in a few memories, Wanda,  right?..'.. His face scrunched up in thought, and she smiled at him.

'You are right, that is Wanda..'.. She moved into the room, and sat on the side of his bed... 'Your memories are coming back, which is great..'

'Slowly. It's been about a year, right?..'.. He asked, and she nodded... 'So, when can I leave? I'm all healed up, got cleared a month ago, and as you said memories are coming back..'

'Soon, I promise. I told you, making sure you were physically ready, was the most important. You went through something traumatic and officially, you died..'.. She didn't lie to him, not at all. She didn't lie to anyone, just didn't always tell people what they wanted to hear.

He chuckled... 'Yeah, I had more holes than Swiss cheese..'.. He pulled up his top, and they see the scars from all the bullets that he got hit with... 'Thanks again..'.. He reached out, taking her wrist.

'No need to thank me..'.. She smiled, patting his hand that held her... 'You remind me of my brother, funnily enough, your names are similar too..'

He let her go... 'You staying for a little while?..'.. He shifted off the bed to stand, and stretched out.

'Of course. You're my best friend..'.. She grinned at him, and stood.

'I'm your only friend..'.. He nodded to the door and she headed out, he followed. She made him sit at the little table, as she whipped up a quick lunch... 'How are they doing?..'... He sat back in his seat, watching her.

She had told him a few things, but not everything. How could she explain who she was, and where she was from?... 'They're doing ok. Stark being the most stubborn of them all..'.. She glanced over her shoulder at him, and went to the fridge, getting them both a beer each... 'She's doing good, I got her training with Romanoff..'

He took the beer, and stared off for a moment... 'I know she's my sister, and I remember some things, but I don't know how she would take it, that I'm alive..'.. Pietro took a draught of his drink.

'I know I haven't told her, not yet. I wanted to make sure that what I did worked, and you healed, plus your memories..'.. BB gestured to him.

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