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The following day, every single one of them, including Parker were on the jet, ready for this mission. It was a simple take down, but BB wanted everyone there, to show they could work together, efficiently and effectively, without innocent casualties or severe damage to the area.

'Everyone knows their positions?..'.. She swipes at the holo display of the base they were taking down, and the others all checked in, confirming that they did... 'Good. You know your teams, so please listen to each other..'.. She stood up straight, looking around at them all.

'I get that it's the first mission since the standoff..'.. They all knew what she meant... 'But you've got this. I know it's an easy mission, but you do this right, it will be done quickly and quietly, and we can be back in time for beers and pizza..'

Steve chuckled, slipping his comm in... 'If I didn't know any better, I'd say pizza was your favourite food..'

'You don't know me at all Rogers, and I plan on keeping it that way..'.. She nodded at him... 'Not going to lie, I am completely on edge about this, and I'd rather do it myself, but this is about you lot, showing the world, what you stand for..'

'We got this B..'.. Tony clapped her on the back with a smile.

'I know you do. I'm proud of you..'.. She smiled around at them all... 'All of you. There were a few bumps in the start..'.. She rolled her eyes, and clapped Tony back... 'But you've all come a long way in just a month..'

'Are you sure it's still ok for me to be here?..'... Peter held his hand up, feeling a little nervous, and she smiled warmly at him, making him feel more comfortable.

'Let's be honest Parker, you are physically the strongest avenger right now..'.. She lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper, leaning on the table as she grinned at him... 'They wouldn't be able to survive without you..'

Tony snorted in response as the others chuckled... 'As long as he's not right at the front of this, it's fine..'

'Parker is on perimeter with Barnes and Wilson..'.. She tells him, and then runs through the plan one more time, making sure everyone knew their positions, along with the possible outcomes should anything happen. She wanted the team to be aware of what could go wrong, and what to do so they wouldn't be surprised.


She camouflaged the jet, after everyone took off to their positions. They thought she was staying back, calling orders, but there were files here that she wanted, evidence of what she needed. Stark was grabbing the digital copies while she was heading for the physical evidence.

She ran off, knowing that she couldn't appear inside the base, she had no photos of what it looked like, and last thing she wanted was to appear inside a room full of Hydra agents. Not that she couldn't handle herself, more that she didn't want to be on their radar with her abilities.

She could hear the others were in their positions, the attack teams, Stark and Rhodes, taking the front, Maximoff and Barton the left, Romanoff and Vision to the right with Rogers and Lang coming up the rear.

She wanted to keep Parker out of it, because it would be his first official mission, and Barnes away from Hydra as best she could. Having Wilson circle the perimeter too, helped to have eyes in the sky.

BB followed the same path as Barton and Maximoff, knowing the room she wanted was closest to them. She smiled seeing the Hydra lot she passed were knocked out, but not killed. She didn't want them to have blood on their hands, they had enough.

Her though, she held her hands out from her sides a little, twitching her fingers as she walked. Using her powers, she cut their throats, the ground beneath them staining red. She had more than enough experience, dealing with the enemies, and it was better to kill, than be killed.

'Team check..'.. She asked, heading in the door, still killing any Hydra she came across. They all called out their positions, letting her know there were no problems so far.

She turned a few corners, left, right, right, left, down the stairs and left again she knew exactly where to go, she had the information, she had taken it from Ross' home a few days ago. Slipping inside the room, she glanced at the nervous man, cowering in the corner... 'Are you willing or unwilling? And let me be clear, lie to me, and I will kill you with a flick of my finger..'

'W-w-willing at first..'.. He held his hands up, and she saw pure fear in him. She had a little sadistic streak, that appeared after she arrived here. She had already lost everything, what more could she lose?... 'B-but th-they killed my wife, because I f-failed..'

BB read his thoughts, he was telling the truth... 'You want to live?..'.. He nodded vigorously... 'Then get me the files, everything you have on the project. I will put you somewhere safe, until I need you to speak publicly about it..'

He got to his feet shakily, and whipped around the office, grabbing everything she asked for... 'Good, now sleep..'.. She tapped his forehead, and he hit the floor, in a deep sleep. She sighed and waved her hand, sending him to a secure location. She would hook him up to the med room she had. He would be in that sleep until she needed him for the meeting.

She disappeared and reappeared in her room at the compound, and slipped the files under her bed, before heading back, appearing on the jet. Everyone had on a small, discreet body cam, and mic. Should anyone question the teams motives or how they operate, she had proof.

Stark called the all clear first, and then the others did the same... 'Well done team, you did great. Is there anything or anyone that needs retrieving?..'.. They all called out no, and she turned from the screens, waving her hand and making them appear.

'You know if you can do that, then why do we need the jet to travel?..'.. Wilson asked her, taking off his wing pack.

'Oh, you think it's easy to transport twelve people in one go, across a great distance?..'... She rolled her eyes, and went to the pilots seat, so they could take off.

'Uh, no?..'.. He shook his head.

'Its really not, and it is exhausting. If I could do it, I would..'.. Once they were in the air, she engaged auto pilot, and moved to stand with them, a few were removing weapons or suits, before sitting down... 'This is a win team, be proud of yourselves, you did great..'

'Any time you want to stroke my ego..'.. Romanoff winked at her, and BB smirked.

'Let's be honest Romanoff, it's not me you want to stroke it, is it?..'.. She folded her arms, and set Nat with a look, who kept quiet.

'What did I just miss? Who is stroking what?..'.. Sam grinned, looking between both women.

'Nothing and nothing. Now, we will be back in plenty of time, so no training until tomorrow evening. Except Parker, you are to go home..'.. She smiled at him... 'You did good..'

'Uh, really? I didn't really do much, just took down a few guys..'... He ran a hand through his hair, and BB watched as Barnes walked over, reassuring the kid with a smile. Rolling her eyes, she moved to sit back in the pilot seat, when she heard Friday in her ear.

'Boss says he has the data, and did you get what you needed?..'..

'Yeah, I did..'.. She spoke quietly, and took off auto, to fly... 'Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking, please return to your seats, and fasten seat belts, until your captain has turned off the fasten seatbelt sign..'.. She heard the chuckling, and glanced behind her, seeing them do as they were told with no arguments. If they continued like this, they would be unstoppable.


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