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Steve helped Strange to sit, while Bucky went to get the guy a drink of water. They still had no idea as to what had happened, but he wasn't going to back off, not yet, especially if Evie was at risk.

'Steve, I can hear you, and I promise, Strange is safe now..'.. He looked over to her, and she gave him a smile and a nod.

'Last thing I remember was at the sanctum, Wong was there..'.. Strange frowned in thought... 'I got..'.. He sighed, rubbing his forehead... 'Moments..'.. He looked over to BB... 'What did I do?..'

'You..'.. She pointed at him... 'Didn't do anything. A version of you dreamwalked, looking to find me and get angry. I'm fine, see?..'.. She held her arms out and turned... 'Alive and breathing. I've spelled you so it won't happen again..'

'Thanks..'.. He tilted his head... 'Why am I seeing you with a boy? You look different..'

'That would be the residual memories of your counterpart. In another time, we were married and had a son. I don't know the full extent of what happened, but daddy Strange..'.. She gestured to him... 'Was angry that other me left or something, she let their son get taken? I don't know, not my reality, not my problem, I have enough shit to deal with..'.. She folded her arms, and moved to lean against the dining table... 'So, what did I miss? Its been a few hours..'

'Do we need to worry about anything else?..'... Tony asked and she shook her head.

'If this was a serious moment, Evie would've said, the fact that she didn't, she knew we'd be fine..'.. BB smiled over at him... 'You can have them come back from wherever they are..'

'Why didn't you use your powers, or magic?..'.. Sam wiggled his fingers at her, making her chuckle.

'Daddy Strange had dark magic, I could feel it..'.. She shrugged... 'You don't ever want to go up against dark magic, trust me..'

'Can you stop calling me that?..'.. Strange shifted in his seat, holding the glass of water Bucky got him.

'Any guy would get a hard on, if a woman called them daddy in a sexual term. Just think of Wongs naked ass and you'll be fine..'.. BB winked at him.

'I got worried you'd be tempted..'.. She turned to Peter, seeing he was watching her... 'Did you?..'

'You think I'd risk Evie and everyone she cares about to use it? No, I didn't, not even a little bit. He cut me deep, and threw me off a damn mountain, and I still didn't use any powers or magic..'.. BB waved her fingers, un a sarcastic manner... 'Have a little faith in me, I'm not going to go down that road again, ever..'

'I do trust you Charley, you know I do, I just want you and Evie to be safe, happy. I can't protect you from what goes on in your head or with your magic, but I can from everything outside if it..'.. He sighed.

'I'm a big girl, I can handle myself so why don't you go get yourself ready for your date with Rachel?..'.. She gestured to the door.

'Rebecca and I cancelled, you and Evie will always be my priority..'.. He said and she snorted, rolling her eyes as she headed out.

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