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The sheer, utter stupidity, of a group of adults, that can't seem to follow the simplest of instructions, had her baffled beyond belief. These were heroes, meant to protect this planet? How the world was still turning with this lot at the helm, she had no fucking idea.

But here she was, marching through this fucking airport, because one was riddled with guilt over his actions, and those that followed him were too scared to stand on their own two feet, and the other had morals so fucking high, a plane could crash into them. Not to mention those that followed that one, didn't want to be puppets on a string anymore, not that she could blame them, she'd take that side too.

Seeing these two, crouched and looking out the window, watching the scene play out, she sighed and raised the guns, shooting them both with tranquillisers... 'You really should've listened Wilson..'.. She focused and teleported outside, just as Rogers got free of the webbing, and another one appeared.

'Ok boys and girls, I'm only going to say this once...'.. She stepped out, holding a gun in each hand... 'Sit the fuck down, before I put you down..'

'And now you're here..'.. Stark gestured to her and she smirked... 'Alright, there's two on the parking deck, one of them is Maximoff, I'm gonna grab her..'.. He tried to take off but his suit, locked down, and he fell face first to the ground, as did Rhodes... 'What the fuck?..'

'I did tell you to sit..'.. She shot Romanoff and Rogers in the legs with tranquillisers, and King T'Challa came for her. She knew she would have to put him down, but she was impressed with his suit, knowing a tranq just wouldnt work. She slipped her guns into holsters sighing, as he ran forward and she flicked her hand, making electric cuffs appear around his wrists and ankles, sending little shocks through him as he collapsed.

She turned to Lang, her hands on her hips... 'Whats it going to be Lang?..'.. He backed up, and she pulled a gun, shooting behind her, hearing a grunt... 'I gave the option to sit Parker, you should learn to listen..'... She said loudly, her eyes still on Lang. He raised his hands and dropped to his knees, and she made cuffs appear on him, and he fell sideways.

'Who are you?..'... She turned, looking up at Vision as he floated closer, peering at her in confusion.

'A friend, believe it or not. I can't let this little pissing contest between these two..'.. She gestured to Stark and Rogers... 'Be the pinicle of an all out war. Now, you got two options here Vision, I highly suggest you take the easy one..'

I cannot allow you to hinder our mission. We must bring Sergent Barnes in immediately..'.. Visions feet touched down and she sighed, raising her free hand and started closing it into a fist. She watched him grunt, as he fell to his knees, touching his head where the stone was.

She released him of her hold and he fell forward to his hands and knees, and then shot him with a tranquilliser... 'Ten down, two to go..'.. She teleported again, right in front of Barton and Maximoff. She was impressed the girl instantly pulled on her power, as Barton raised his bow at her... 'Trust me, your power is no match for mine. If I wanted to hurt you, you'd already be dead as would they..'.. She gestured outside.

'Who the hell are you?..'.. Barton asked her.

'Someone trying to stop a war from happening. This is exactly what Ross wants. Look, I can explain everything on the jet back to the compound. You can either go willingly, or I make you go night-night..'.. She waggled the gun in her hand, and saw them both shift. They were fast, but she was faster, pulling her second gun as she rolled to the side, she shot them both and they hit the floor... 'Should've gone with option one..'

Getting to her feet, she walked over, holstering her guns and sighing... 'You're all fucking idiots..'.. She waved her hand, and teleported to the jet, and made the others appear. Each one of them now laying on the floor around the jet. She headed to the controls, and sat down, putting in the coordinates for the base in Siberia.

'You know..'.. She spoke loudly, knowing they could all hear her... 'If you lot actually listened to me in the first place, I wouldn't have had to shoot you. I mean, you're supposed to be some of the strongest, smartest people in the world, and I took you all down in less than ten minutes..'.. Once she was in the air, she engaged auto pilot, and turned the seat around.

'First off, Hi. You can all call me BB, reasons you don't need to know why. Secondly, I have spent the last few days, pushing for the accords to be suspended, pending evaluation of you all. That's what the meeting at the summit was meant to be about..'.. She stood up, walking amongst them, helping to position them on their backs so they were more comfortable.

'Barnes was not responsible for the attack, and I can prove it. But I am going to get the asshole who is. Believe me, he's going to be lucky, I'll leave him alive, if only for now..'.. She stopped at Stark, and crouched down... 'Friday, open his mask please..'... His mask pulled open, and she could see the shock in his eyes, that his AI listened to her... 'Same for Rhodes please..'.. She looked across, seeing his open too.

'I know you're concerned Stark but if I wanted to harm or kill any of you, I would have. I'm here to help pull this team back together, to work as a unit..'.. She stood up, and carried on walking through them, checking each one... 'The president will be in contact once we return to the compound. You will be under my command, I will be running the team for the next three months. I have until then to get you working, if not, then you will be signing the accords, or be tagged for the rest of your lives..'

She moved back to the pilots seat... 'I'm here because an old friend called in a favour. Look, I'd rather not have to babysit you, but if I don't pull this team together, this world is fucked. So either work with me, or quit..'.. She turned back to face the controls.

'Friday, some AC/DC please..'.. She called out, and the first few beats of Highway to Hell began to play. She really didn't want to have to do this, but she was stuck here and had to make them work, or they were all fucked.


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