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Charley yawned as she poured hot water for her tea. After the wedding yesterday, she had taken Steve and Maria to her cabin, for their honeymoon, leaving them to enjoy. When she returned, Evie had crashed out from her sugar high, while her mom and dad had seen to the rest of the guests. Once her tea was ready, she moved to the big windows, overlooking the grounds, holding it in one hand while her other settled on her tiny bump. Just a few more months, and Sophie would be here. Just thinking about Evies words, of four new children. And then after them, another four had her shaking her head with a smile, this compound was going to be over run in a few years, but at least they'd have their hands full.

'You're up early..'.. Charley didn't even need to turn to know her dad walked in.

'Yeah, couldn't get comfortable for some reason, guess I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop..'.. She said, sipping her tea. She could hear him in the kitchen, making coffee.

'Evie seen anything we should be worried about?..'... He asked.

'No, but anything could happen. So..'.. She turned to go sit on one of the couches, as he walked over to join her... 'How are you and mom doing with the pregnancy?..'

Toby blew out a loud breath... 'I'm terrified I'm going to screw something up. I barely slept, just sat on the floor next to Jamie's bassinet, scared he'd stop breathing. Is that what it's going to be like? The constant fear something could happen to them?..'.. He sat on the couch with her.

'Pretty much, yeah..'.. She nodded her head... 'But you can't let that fear take over, because you'll miss out on some really amazing moments, all her milestones. Just wait for that first dada, you're going to be a blubbering mess..'.. Charley chuckled.

'How will I keep her safe?..'.. She noticed him stare off, and knew he was starting to spiral.

'Dad..'.. She reached over and took one of his hands in her, pulling his focus back... 'You just be you, nothing more. You're amazing as you are, and honestly, you won't be able to protect her from everything, just be there, love her, support her, that's all you need. You've done it for me and Parker, for all of us, whether you see it or not, you're dad to us all. You take care of everyone, and sure you may not be the most empathetic when it comes to the guys..'.. She rolled her eyes with a smile... 'But you do care about them. All those upgrades you do for them, the little things of making sure they have what they need, that's being a dad..'

'I don't know how to do this, from the beginning..'.. He looked down at his cup... 'I missed out with you and Parker, what if I miss out on this one too? What if I never get the chance to see my kids grow up?..'

'You listen to me..'.. Charley squeezed his hand... 'I will fight, to the ends of the earth, through every reality if I have to, to make sure nothing happens to you, mom or Morgan. You will be there, every step, and if anyone dares to try and take you away, I'll kill them. Actually no, Evie will lose her shit, and no one wants that..'

Tony chuckled, she was right, Evie could be more fearsome than her mother... 'Thank you, for everything. Since you came here, we've all gotten better. I don't ever want to imagine how it would've been, if you hadn't come when you did..'

'Honestly, after losing my dad in my reality, I really spiralled, went dark. Meeting Peter, he..'.. Charley sighed... 'Seeing him his his darkness, I didn't want that for him, and he became a lifeline, that I didn't know I needed. Them finding Grant, meeting Loki and his siblings, it was like they all threw a rope to me, while I was drowning, just keeping me up. The world knew who I was, and I was constantly in the news about something or other, and when the world knew what I had done, I was judged, ostracised often. Here..'.. She waved a hand around... 'This world doesn't know me, or what I've done. Evie won't bear the brunt of my actions here, and she'll have a chance to have a life..'

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