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BB was dishing up breakfast for everyone, as they sat around the table, minus Parker, as he was at home, and Rogers, who she could tell was stumbling on his way to the main room now. She loaded the dishwasher, and dried her hands, looking over to the doors, just as Rogers came in.

'Good morning Rogers, how are you feeling?..'.. She chuckled at him, tossing the tea towel onto the counter. He scrunched his face up, glaring at her as he made his way to the table, and the others became silent.

'How do you know about asgadrian ale?..'.. He sat down, rubbing his forehead.

'Its my preferred drink of choice, though it doesn't really affect me..'.. She shrugged.. 'Breakfast is ready, everyone come get it..'.. She gestured to the food, and they stood up, grabbing plates and loading up... 'Here..'.. She waved a hand and a cup appeared in front of Rogers, making him frown... 'It'll help the hangover..'

The sweet smell coming from the cup had his mouth watering. Picking it up he sniffed, and he could swear it smelled like honey. Taking a sip of the steaming mixture, it coated his tongue and flavours burst in his mouth making him groan, and gulped it down. It was hot but didn't burn, it only coated his throat. He instantly felt better, clear headed and there was no longer a pounding in his head.

'Hell cap, you moan like that, makes me wonder if you need to get laid..'... Sam chuckled at him.

Steve put the empty cup down, licking his lips... 'That was delicious, what is it?..'.. He looked around at everyone, then to BB, who was smiling.

'An old recipe, from a..'.. Steve noticed her smile drop as she stared off.

'B, you ok?..'.. Tony called to her, snapping her out of it, and she smiled. It was a fake one, that was obvious.

'I'm fine Stark. Come on, eat up, training is at 7..'.. She headed out of the room, and Steve frowned over to Tony.

'What was that about?..'.. He asked, as Bucky put a plate of food down in front of him... 'Thanks pal..'

'I don't know. She's been working hard for weeks now, and she's clearly exhausted. She hasn't said much about herself still, but I think it's starting to break her..'.. Tony picked up his coffee, taking a sip.

'She helped with the company. We've gone up 13 points since I implemented her ideas. Plus we have had an increase in donations to the relief fund..'.. Pepper tells him.

'When was that?..'... He turned to her, putting his coffee down and taking her hand.

'About a week ago. She said she wanted to boost the company's image, as its connected to you, and you to the Avengers..'.. Pepper smiled at him.

'Wow, I didn't know she did that. Between the training, and working, I didn't know she had time to do anything else..'.. Tony grabbed toast with his free hand.

Sam's phone rang, and he stood up taking the call and walking over to the window. It only lasted a few minutes but he was stunned, hearing his sister tell him what's happened.

Steve could see that something was wrong... 'Sam, is everything ok?..'

'Uh, yeah. Yeah it's just..'.. He wanted back over, dropping into his seat, still staring at his phone... 'My sister, she just told me that the mortgage is paid off, as are the debts. And she's now the boss of a small private fishing company. There's workers there to fix up our parents boat, and there's construction going on to build on the property next door, for the business. And she's received a letter, stating that both boys have college funds, of $50,000 each..'

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