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His heart was racing as he stood with Peter, while Evie clutched his hand tightly. Dr Palmer and her team had done it, they had created a doorway, but once they stepped through, there was no chance of returning, or even knowing of any consequences. It was a risk, and one they had to make.

She gave them time to think about it, as it was a big decision to make, and they hadn't even tested it yet. They could only open it once, and only for a few seconds.

He looked across to Peter, seeing the same determination in his eyes... 'We will go, together..'.. He told Dr Palmer and she sighed.

'We know it links to that reality, but I don't know where you will end up. It could be the past, present or future. We can keep trying, but I know how much yoy want to get back to her..'.. Palmer gave them a small smile, and crouched down to Evie... 'You've been so brave, your mom is going to be so happy to see you..'

'I want to go, I miss her..'.. Evie said, holding onto her dad's hand tightly.

'Ok, when you're ready we'll do it..'.. Palmer stood back up.

'Thank you, for everything you have done for us..'.. He held his other hand out to shake hers.

'Its been a challenge, but I hope this really works for you..'.. Palmer smiled, and shook Peters hand too... 'We'll get started..'.. She headed off to confer with her team, leaving the three of them stood together.

He picked up Evie, and she snuggled into him... 'I really hope this works..'

'Me too. We'll find her, like you said, she'll find her family. We look for the other you, and go from there..'.. Peter clapped him on the back.

'That's what worries me..'.. He turned to Peter... 'What if she has fallen in love with him?..'


BB finished with the tree and stepped back, grinning up at it. Sure she could've used magic, but doing it by hand was something she did with her family. The main room looked like Santa's grotto, and the wall to the left of the doors, leading to the bedrooms, was adorned with advent calendars for everyone.

Stockings lined the wall to the right of the doors, their names on the tops. Windows were painted with a festive scene, the couches now with winter cushions and blankets, the smell of fresh cookies hung in the air.

She had been up all night, wanting to make sure everything was perfect. Today they were having their Christmas early, so Barton, Lang, Wilson and Parker could spend their real Christmas with their families. Tonight would be the Christmas party, with all the team and staff at the compound. BB was excited, especially as she had made sure to find the perfect gifts for everyone.

'Holy shit B..'.. She turned, grinning at Stark as he walked in with Potts, both in awe of what she did... 'Ok, you definitely got a career in design..'

'Merry Christmas..'.. She bounded over, hugging them both... 'Friday, tell everyone to get their asses here now! Its presents time..'... She dragged the two of them to sit on a couch, and then made two coffees appear on the table in front of them... 'Before the others get here, I actually got something for the two of you..'.. She moved to the tree and pulled out a square flat box, handing it over.

Tony set it on his lap, and took off paper, but let Pepper open the box. Inside, was a framed picture, of the two of them, both sets of their parents either side of them... 'There's two frames in there, one for each of you. It took me a while to create it, but I wanted you to have something of them, together..'

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