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The weeks pass quickly, and soon it was thanksgiving week. Tony really wanted to talk to Peter, knowing the truth now, but he didn't want to upset the kid. Instead, he made sure that Peters suits had every possible thing he would need. Tony couldn't help but worry, now that his aunt knew he was spiderman.

Tony had spoken with her, along with BB, reassuring the woman as best they could and had even invited her to the compound, giving her a tour so she could see the place. Tony couldn't help but smile when he introduced her to Bruce, the two blushing slightly as they talked.

Everything had been going well, the team working together, the missions going smoothly. Tony worried that something would happen, disrupting everything, hell even Loki was trying.

Though he wasn't much of a talker, or good at socialising, Tony noticed a friendship between Loki and Peter. Plus Loki would encourage Wanda with her magic in trianing, even if he couldnt use his own.

Maybe there was something about the kid that just brought out peoples good sides. He did it witch Bucky, and now Loki, Tony smiled as he watched Peter explain star wars to Loki, and couldn't believe there was an actual smile on the mischievous gods face.

'If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were warming to him..'.. Pepper handed him a coffee

'So far, hes not been any trouble. Though that could be down to the cuffs hes wearing. Maybe hes playing nice to get them off..'... Tony kissed her lightly, as she sat next to him.

'Maybe, but us girls have noticed he keeps looking to B, I think hes trying to impress her..'.. Pepper said quietly, and Tony snorted into his coffee.

'She's treating him like everyone else. Besides, she's gone on a few dates lately. Maybe she'll introduce us to the guy..'... Tony put a hand on her leg.

'This you going into dad mode now?..'.. She teased, and he tensed. He hadn't even told Pepper about the kid... 'Tony, what is it?..'.. Her hand covered his.

'Let's go to the lab..'.. He sighed, knowing it was time to tell her. Maybe she could help him decide what to do.

'Do you want to watch them?..'.. Peter grinned at Loki.

'Apologies Parker, it would seem my mind was else where. What did you ask?..'.. Lokis eyes flitted from Stark and his lady as they left, to the boy in front of him.

'Uh, did you want to watch the films?..'.. Peter asked him.

'Of course. The battles you spoke of, sound glorious..'... Loki gave him a smile and a nod... 'Perhaps one evening everyone should watch them..'

'That's a great idea. I'll ask BB to arrange it..'.. He looked up... 'Friday, wheres BB?..'

'BB is currently out on a date. She will return later this evening..'.

Loki frowned, seeing the excitement drop from Peters face... 'Tell her this is an emergency..'.. Loki called out, and Peter gave him a wide eyed look, shaking his head.

'No, no no..'.. Peter shouted at the ceiling... 'Its not a-..'

'Whats wrong?..'.. Peters head whipped around, seeing BB look beautiful, in strappy black dress.

'No, no-nothing is wrong. Sorry BB, I-..'

'Parker, I don't care what I'm doing..'... She walked over, perching on the arm of the couch he was sat on, giving him a smile... 'You, this team are the most important people in my life right now. You call, and I'll be here, no matter what. So, whats going on?..'

'Parker would like to watch these..'.. Loki waved a hand... 'Movies, called star wars, was it?..'.. The kid nodded... 'With everyone. When he heard you were on a date, he became sad..'

'Why are you sad? Talk to me..'.. She shifted onto the couch, and took Parkers hand in hers... 'Whats wrong?..'

'I um..'... Peter cleared his throat... 'I don't like that you're pushing yourself to date, when I know you're not ready. I do want you to be happy, but I've seen how uncomfortable you are, going on these dates and when you come back. You're happy here, with all of us, and I just want you to be happy. You're like a big sister to me B, I love you..'

She wrapped her arms around him, feeling her eyes prickle, her gaze catching Lokis and she smiled... 'Love you too Parker. It is strange..'.. She pulled back, giving him a warm smile... 'I'm the big sibling in this world..'.. The two chuckled... 'You really are a genius, you see more than what people give you credit for..'.. She stood up and altered her clothes to lounge wear, and changed theirs too.

'Friday, call everyone who's free, for a movie. We're watching A New Hope..'.. She gestured for the two to stand, and move back. Using her magic, she changed the layout of the main room, and added big comfy seats, that people could lay on, fitting two on them. There were snacks and drinks all around, and she covered the windows, as Friday projected onto the white blinds covering the glass.

'Wow, BB..'.. Peter grinned at her, and moved to drop onto one of the seats... 'This feels so comfy..'

She chuckled, and shook her head... 'I don't know how many will be joining us, but this should be enough I think..'

'You are very experienced with magic, for someone so young..'.. Loki turned his head to her and she shrugged.

'I had a lot of good teachers. It is down to them I learned so fast. You look young, but even I know your age Laufeyson..'.. She gave him a smile... 'Time moves differently, in other realms, right?..'

He didn't get the chance to say anything else, as a few more people joined them. Barnes and Romanoff took one seat, as did Pietro and the blonde widow. His brother and Val came in, each taking a seat for themselves. Only one was left, and she moved to sit with Peter, leaving him to the the last one.

He sat down, and began to got lost in the movie. He couldn't deny, it wasn't that bad, quiet amusing in some places, but he could understand Peters fascination with it.


'You've known for how long, and didn't tell me?..'.. Tony sighed, seeing that Pepper wasn't happy.

'B told me that I should talk to you, but I didn't know what to think, or say..'.. He ran a hand through his hair.

'I'm not mad about it Tony, I'm mad that you never knew. I'm mad at Obidiah for doung this to you. I'm mad that you missed out on being a father..'.. She sighed, walking over and taking his hands in hers... 'Are you ok?..'

'I dont know. I want to tell him, talk to him, but at the same time, I don't want to ruin his memories of his parents. I just want whats best for him..'.. Tony sat on the edge of his desk, and Pepper stepped between his legs as he held her waist.

'Tony, in the time you've known him, you've been a dad. He looks up to you, idolises you, and this is a chance for you both. Yeah, you missed out on the younger years, but dont miss out on everything else..'.. She hugged him... 'Now that you've said it, I can see the similarities between you both..'... She pulled back, smiling down at him.

'You have two kids, right here with you Tony. I know shes yours from another reality, but she wanted to be here, stay here. I think a part of her needs you too..'.. Pepper ran her hand through his hair.

'What did I do to deserve you?..'.. He pulled her in for a kiss.

'Wore me down for years, until I loved you?..'.. She teased him, linking her arms around his neck... 'Whatever you decide Tony, I'm with you all the way..'


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