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BB blew out a breath, looking down at the RJ. It looked like a watch, but they all knew it wasn't. It was done, and it was time to say goodbye to Grant. It didn't matter that she wanted him to stay, he had to go, his happiness meant more to her than her own.

'You ok?..'.. Tony's voice punctured through her thoughts and wallowing.

'I'm fine. Grant is having time with Evie, and them we'll go outside for this..'.. She picked up the reality jumper, and slipped it in the case... 'How's things between you and Parker?..'... She saw his face soften, a small proud smile on his lips.

'Hes good. He understands that we keep it under wraps for now, but he wants to tell May. How we bring that up, I don't know..'.. Tony put his tablet down, standing the other side of her station... 'Now how about you don't lie to me, and tell me how you're really doing..'

'Not much to say. I lost my family, my world, the people I love. And the husband I had left cheated on me, and wants to stay with the woman. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to anyone else, but I can with him..'.. She shrugged, pursing her lips... 'I can't change the past Tony, but I can be sure to change the future..'

'I'm sorry B..'.. Tony sighed.he knew she was putting on a brave front, especially for Evie.

'Nothing to be sorry for, everyone leaves me in some way, so what's one more, right? At least I still got Evie and Peter..'.. BB let out a deep breath, and forced a smile... 'They won't leave me, not yet anyway..'.. Tony gave her a look... 'What? So I have abandonment issues. My birth mother never wanted me and I lost my dad, so yeah, poor orphaned Charlotte Stark, right?..'

Tony knew she was trying hard not to break... 'Look..'... He came around to her, and pulled her in for a hug... 'I can't ever begin to understand what you've been through, but I promise, you have a home here with us, we won't ever leave you B. You're my daughter, even if you're from another universe. You coming here, and meeting you, is one if the best days of my life..'.. He pulled back, smiling at her... 'You're an amazing person B, and I'm proud of you..'

She burst out crying, and hugged him tight. Tony just held her, letting her get it all out. He meant every word he said, knowing he had a good life in another time, a daughter, a chance with his parents, he was thankful to have this, a family. Knowing her and Paker were his, and Evie as a granddaughter, he wouldn't screw this up.


Grant held Evie tight, as she hugged him. A part of him didn't want to leave her, but he couldn't stay, he knew that. She hadn't been upset, not that he had seen, but Evie was special. She may not be his biologically, but she was his daughter.

'I'm gonna miss you..'.. He said quietly as they were outside, ready for him to go.

'I miss you too daddy..'.. She stepped back, and put her hands to his face, smiling at him... 'You will be happy daddy. Miss Peggy will make you happy, I seen it. Me, mama and uncle Peter will be ok here..'

He cleared his throat, glancing behind Evie at Charley. She looked sad, even with the small smile she hand. He kissed Evies head, and stood up, nodding to Peter... 'Take care of our girls..'.. He held a hand out and the two shook.

'You know I will. Just do me a favour?..'.. Grant gave him a nod... 'Don't dwell on this. Charley will want you happy, and safe..'.. Peter tells him.

'I know, she's always putting us first..'.. Grant gave him a small smile, and turned to Charley, holding his hand out, which she took. He had said goodbye to everyone else, and now he needed to say it to her. He led her away from the others, putting some space between them. Once they were far enough away, he sighed, still holding her hand, bringing it to his chest... 'I'm sorry Charley, for everything..'

'Don't..'... She cut him off... 'Don't be sorry for any of it. I don't know why I wasn't enough for you, and that's not me having a go at you, but..'.. She took a deep breath, pulling her hand free... 'After everything you've been through, you deserve happiness, I just wish it was with me..'

He could see tears form in her eyes, and he cupped her cheek... 'You were more than enough, I wasn't. I wanted so badly, to be all in, and I knew a part of me wasn't there with you, I was stuck in the past..'

BB cleared her throat, and stepped back, her arms folded across her chest... 'Get to it..'.. She gave him a small smile... 'Be happy, that's all that matters, and say thanks to them all, for bringing Evie back to me..'.. He nodded to her and took a breath, tapping the device as she stepped back even further. He raised his hand as a small wave and she did the same, watching ad he hit the device on his wrist, disappearing in a bright blue light.

She didn't know how long she stood there for, but felt arms come around her, holding her... 'We need to get drunk, really drunk..'.. A little laugh burst from her, and she smiled sadly.

'What I need, is to be good enough, but I'll take getting wasted..'.. She turned, linking her arm through Peters, as they walked back to the others... 'I'm sad, but not to THAT point..'.. She leaned her head against his shoulder... 'Give me at least a year before you broach the subject of you leaving too..'

'I'm never leaving you Charley. Never have, never will. Someone got to keep an eye on you, stop you doing stupid stuff..'.. He teased her.

'I don't do stupid shit. I just have a lapse in common sense at times, that's all..'.. She snarked back and he laughed,asking everyone look at the two of them... 'Can you all stop watching me? You're putting me on edge, I'm not gonna fall apart ok, I'm fine..'.. She pulled her arm from Peter and scooped Evie up, hugging her... 'You ok baby?..'

'I'm ok. We home now mama, we are meant to be here..'... Evie smiled at her, and BB took a deep breath, letting it out. This 'all knowing', and cryptic answers from her five year old, was putting her on edge. Evie may be young, but she was wise way beyond her years.

'I'll take your word for it. What do you want to do tonight?..'.. She asked her daughter, as they headed back inside.

'Can we do a sleepover? With everyone?..'.. Evie whispered, but it was loud enough to be heard.

'You know, I think that sounds like an awesome idea..'.. BB poked Evie in the side, making her giggle... 'You pick the movie, and we'll get the main room set up. Go get your pj's on..'.. She put Evie down, and the girl sprinted off.

'Ok..'.. She turned to the others, her hands on her hips... 'Rules are as follows, everyone to be there, in your pj's. Bring blankets, pillows and whatever else makes you feel comfortable. I'll have Friday order pizzas, so tell her your prerences. Me and Peter will go get the food and snacks, and you lot arrange the main room, got it?..'.. She holds a finger up at them.

Tony knew that this wasn't just for Evie, but for her too... 'Got it. We'll make it look amazing. It'll be ready in 30..'.. He took hold of her finger, giving it a wiggle... 'Bring Parker and May too?..'

BB thought it over and grinned... 'Bartons lot and Langs too, so make it an hour. See you in the main room..'.. She reached out, taking hold of Peters hand, she disappeared in front of them.


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