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She tapped her foot impatiently, knowing that Stark was being the asshole here, dragging himself ever so slowly to training. If he wanted to fuck about and hold everyone back, she'd haul his ass out of bed herself, no matter what he was wearing. Checking her watch, it was now 7.04, and he was the last one they were waiting on.

'Friday, where is Stark?..'.. She called out, rolling her eyes.

'Boss is still asleep BB, would you like me to wake him up?..'

She smirked at the others, seeing them look confused... 'No, I got this..'.. She took a deep breath, and waved her hand, his bed appearing in the middle of the training room.

Steve shared a look with the others, seeing Tony sleeping face down in the bed. He hoped that the man was wearing something, cause it looked like he wasn't. He glanced to BB, seeing her grin wickedly, and she looked up, making the others do the same. Steve heard a few sniggers, as they all see a few buckets appear above Tony.

Steve fought a laugh, as the six buckets tipped, and water rained down on Tony, making the man yell and thrash about on the bed. He had gotten caught in the bedding, and he crashed to the floor, gasping for breath.

'What the hell!..'.. Tony shouted, looking around and spotting them all.

'Good morning Stark. I'm guessing you had a late night trying to find any information on me, which has caused you to sleep in. I thought it was only fair, to make sure you didn't miss out on this mornings training..'.. She gestured to him and the bed as he stood up.

'You are fucking crazy..'... He seethed at her, distangling himself from the wet bedding and tossing it on the bed, thankful he had underwear on.

'What can I say? It's hereditary, my father would be so proud..'.. She smirked at him... 'Now..'.. She waved her hand, making the bed and water disappear, and dressed him in clean, dry workout clothes... 'Shall we get started? Rogers quip at Parker yesterday, has him going first..'

She turned to Steve, and nodded to the middle of the floor... 'Let's go you two. You don't believe Parker should be here, but you are so far from being right, you may need a map..'

More sniggers broke out, and Nat leaned into Clint... 'I really like her. Is it just me, or does she seem a little familiar?..'

Clint frowned, watching BB as Steve and the kid took their stance ready. Nat was right. There was something about the woman, that did seem familiar, he couldn't put his finger on it.

'Whenver you are ready gentlemen..'.. BB called out. Everyone watched as Steve sighed, and then went for Peter. They all were shocked that the fight didn't even last two minutes before Peter put Steve on his ass, twice.

'I'm sure there is an apology that is deserved Rogers..'.. BB tells him and Steve nods, holding his hand out to Peter.

'I take it back, I'm sorry ki-, Parker..'.. Steve gives him a nod of respect as Peter shook his hand.

'Thanks Cap, I appreciate it..'.. Peter grinned in excitement.

'Good, now that's over, Romanoff and Maximoff, you two pair up. I would like miss Maximoff to fight hand to hand without her powers..'.. She nodded to the two women and gestured off to the side for them to work.

'Lang and Barton. Wilson and Rhodes, Vision and Parker..'.. She grinned over to Tony... 'Stark and Rogers. You two are the worst of the group, you cannot seem to agree on much nor can you work together without causing a problem. So, this week you will train together each session..'

'You're putting me with a super soldier?..'... Tony scoffed at her.

'You can train with me if you wish, but I will not be holding back like Rogers will..'.. She gestured to Steve as everyone else took a space to start training.

You're sadistic..'.. He snapped at her.

'That I am..'... She nodded, folding her arms... 'Stark, you got two options, train with Rogers or me, so take your pick..'

He glared at her, and eventually gave in,  turning to Rogers... 'Fine, let's get this over with..'

She beckoned Barnes to her, and she could see the apprehension on his face, but he didn't hesitate, coming for her. She went easy on him at first, holding back but he never got the upper hand at all. She called their session to an end, and had him pair up with Vision, as Parker needed to head to school.

She altered his clothing and then made him disappear, sending him home, so he could head to school.

She sighed, and then began walking around the room to each pair, giving instructions. They had to learn each others moves, help to find the weaknesses, and correct the mistakes.

'Each week you will be paired differently. You have to work together, when you fight as a team, you will need to know how the others move, so if they are in danger, you know when to step in to assist..'.. She stopped by the two women.

'Maximoff, I know you are the strongest with your power, but should you ever find yourself unable to use it, you need to learn to protect yourself..'.. She smiled at the young woman, and stepped closer, putting her in a stance, and bringing the hands up... 'Guard your core..'.. She stepped back, and turned to Romanoff... 'Come at me..'

Nat nodded and went for BB, and she was surprised at how quickly the woman moved, dodging the attacks Nat was throwing at her. As Nat swung around to throw a punch to the face, BBs arm came up to block, ducking under Nats arm and her other came around Nats throat in a lock.

'Impressive Romanoff..'.. BB let her go, and stepped back.. 'You kept your breathing even, and emotions out of it. That's exactly what I want you to do..'

Nat smiled, knowing that Tony was glaring over at them... 'If you could train Miss Maximoff to your standards, that would be a great help..'

BB walked off, watching the others... 'Its not about strength, its about assessing the fight, knowing when to move and when to attack..'.. She was impressed with how they were doing, even more so that Stark even knew how to fight without his suit.

She had them going for the the next two hours, and by the time she called an end almost every one of them were ready to drop... 'Good training everyone, you did very well. Take the rest of the day, and we will train again at 1700. Your endurance needs a little work, but by the time the probation is over, you'll be able to fight without breaking a sweat..'.. She smiled around.

'I'm dead..'.. She looked over at Lang on the floor, breathing hard and she chuckled, walking over and helping him up.

'Barton has more years of training and experience, but you'll get there..'.. She patted him on the back and turned to the others... 'Come on, let's get some food in you all, and get you rested for this evening..'

Tony watched as she led them all out, and he huffed out a breath, looking around the room, trying to figure out if she touched anything. Maybe he could get a print, and run it, but she hadn't touched a single thing. Shaking his head, he left the room, catching up with the rest. She did seem familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it.


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