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She sighed, rolling onto her back, knowing she wasn't alone in the room... 'Is she ok?..'.. She asked, and the bed shifted, with Nat moving to lie down next to her.

'She's fine. She's having a sleepover in with Wanda, watching Disney movies. How are you doing?..'.. Nat turned to her side.

BB blew out a breath, staring up at the ceiling... 'He was right. What more do I need to say..'.. She ran her hands over her face... 'I need to get started, I need to send him back..'.. She got up, pulling the blanket off.

Nat frowned as she sat up, watching BB move to the bathroom... 'B, what do you mean, send him back?..'.. She got off the bed to stand.

'He wants to go back, but he chose to come with Peter and Evie, because he wanted to do the right thing..'.. She came out of the bathroom, shaking her head... 'He couldn't stay here anyway, two Rogers, this close to one another could create an incursion. I got work to do..'

Nat went to speak but BB just disappeared in front of her. She huffed in frustration, and headed out to find Tony, maybe he could talk some sense into her.


Tony and Bucky managed to have a conversation with big Peter and Grant about everything. It hurt Tony to hear it all, but he hoped that being here in this reality, it was enough to help her heal from it all.

'I won't abandon them Stark, they're my family..'.. Grant sighed, draining his glass.

'But you want to go back there..'... He countered, Tony really wasn't a fan of the guy.

'What I want, is for Charley and Evie to be happy..'.. He rolled his empty glass in his hands.

'The fact that you're calling her Charley and not Lottie says all Grant..'.. Peter shook his head... 'Not going to lie, calling her by his nickname too, that was a suckerpunch if I ever saw one. You know what that name means to her..'

Tony frowned in confusion... 'Loki, his name for Charley was 'trouble'. He didn't call her anything else, and this one..'.. Peter jerked a thumb to Grant... 'Called her that. I should've known then something was wrong..'

'I'm sorry Pete, what do you want me to say?..'... Grant turned in his seat to Peter... 'I fucked up, badly. I should've said something years ago, I know. But I didn't know how to live without either of them, I needed them..'

'And she needed the truth. Thats all she ever asks of anyone, you know that!..'.. Peter banged the table... 'She gave you everything, saved your ass more times than I can count. She fucking sacrificed herself, thinking about you and Evie! And you screw Carter, as soon as we land there?..'


'No, don't even. If you had just been honest, then maybe none of this shit would've happened. We'd still be home, with our family..'.. Peter shook his head, putting a hand to Grants shoulder... 'As much as I'm pissed at you, I know Charley, shes going to send you back..'.. Peter sighed... 'Go rest, you need sleep. Evie is safe, so take the room..'

Tony watched as Grant got up defeated, and headed out of the room... 'Damn you told off the winter soldier..'

Peters head whipped to Tony with a scowl.. 'Hes not the soldier any more..'.. He points to Bucky... 'Same as hes not the soldier either. She's going to send him back somehow, so help her. Shes going to lose herself to this, I got Evie..'.. Peter stood up, sighing to himself as he headed out.

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