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Tony sat at the head of the table, as everyone else took a seat. BB had called for a meeting about a mission, and the fact Peter was there too, had him a little worried. She wanted everyone to sit in.

'You dont think its the big one, do you?..'.. Steve asked him and Tony shrugged.

'I dont know. If it was serious, I don't think she'd call a meeting first..'.. Tony shrugged.

'Nothing major..'.. She strolled into the room, coming to a stop at the other end of the table... 'Hydra are scrambling to rebuild. There are three meetings happening at the same time tomorrow. One in Germany, one in London and one in New York. They will be in contact with each other via video call. The new heads of Hydra meetings..'.. She sighed, shaking her head.

'I want to do this my way, but this will be good for all of the team to work together, so I've chosen the teams. Each team will be run by one, from here..'.. She waved her hands, and files appeared in front of  each of them... 'Team one for Germany, run by Parker in Starks lab..'.. She held a hand up to silence everyone.

'Save all comments and questions for the end. Team one is Stark, Rogers, Belova, Maximoff and Odinson..'.. She nods to each of them.

'Team two is run by Banner in my lab for London. Wilson, Barnes, Romanoff, Vision, Valkyrie..'.. She took a deep breath and rolled her eyes... 'Team three is run by Hill for New York. Myself, P and Laufeyson, and I have another two for my team..'.. She shook her head... 'You have your files, and I expect everyone to learn them, and train with your teams. The first two teams, you leave at 1600 tomorrow, so no messing around, no drinking just focus. We need this to go smoothly. I've worked to damn hard to keep you all free for anyone to fuck it up now..'

'Any questions?..'.. She stood up straight.

'Are you sure?..'.. Parker asked, and she could see his worry.

'Just because you're not on the missions, doesn't mean you can't assist. This is good for all of us Parker, we trust you. If anyone could do this, its you..'.. She gave him a smile and he nodded, opening his file to read.

'You sure you want them on your team? Who else you got? Lang and Barton?..'.. Stark raised an eyebrow at her, and she shook her head.

'No, just hang on..'... She sighed, and disappeared, reappearing a few minutes later, holding the arms of two men.

'Ah, wizard doctor..'.. Thor smiled at Strange.

'You know, if you're going to whisk me away, you could at least take me to dinner first..'.. Strange chuckled, seeing her roll her eyes as she let him go.

'You too huh?..'... She let Murdock go, and made two seats appear, knocking their feet out from under them, as they moved to tuck in to the desk.

'Can you not? I've told you both no, and for some reason, you both don't seem to understand the word..'.. She folded her arms... 'Anyway, Dr Strange..'.. She gestured to the man sat on the left... 'Mr Murdock..'.. She gestured gestured the man on the right.

'It is good to see you again wizard..'.. Strange let out a irritated breath, as he nodded to Thor.

'Not a wizard. So..'.. He tured to BB with a smile... 'You wanted me?..'

Nat smirked, her eyes catching Buckys, knowing he was thinking the same thing.

'I can easily render you unconscious and leave you in a vegative state for the foreseeable future if you dont stop..'.. She gave him a bored look, and he raised his hand in surrender... 'Anyway, we need to go over this..'

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