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For the next few weeks, BB noticed that Peter barely spoke with her. When they were in the same room as each other, he would drift away from her, saying he needed to work in the lab or help the others with some task or other. It was getting frustrating, and she couldn't help but feel lost. The others had noticed, but none had said why he was acting this way, he didn't say anything to them.

She was missing him, missing their closeness, and it started to feel like she was losing him too. What surprised her, was that afternoon he had come into the main room, while she was going over files for a mission and he was smiling happily, and went straight over to sit with Loki and Evie, as they were drawing at the coffee table.

'Good to see you smiling..'... She called across to him.

'I have a date tonight, with Rebecca..'.. He said, not bothering to look up as he took a piece of paper and started drawing with the other two. That felt like a knife to the chest, but she smiled anyway.

'Well, whoever she is, I hope she knows she's lucky..'.. She said, and closed the files, stacking them together and headed to her room, ignoring everyone else.

'Tony, I was wanting to ask if I could use one of the trucks this weekend..'.. Peter asked as he stood back up, pulling out his phone.

Tony had no idea what was going on, but he hated knowing that Charley was upset... 'Uh, sure. What for?..'

'Well, Rebecca has a spare room at her place in the city, and she offered it to me. Thought it would be good, to start living my life, you know..'.. Peter shrugged, typing out a message before slipping his phone back in his pocket.

'Wait, you're leaving the compound?..'.. Pietro asked him, pushing his plate away... 'Why are you leaving?..'

'Well, I put my life on hold for years, so now that I'm here, no one really knows who I am, and I got to move on at some point. Living in the city, I can help take over for Parker when he can't do patrols, and I can get a job. Was thinking of maybe being a science teacher at Midtown..'... Peter tells them, not noticing the shock on their faces.

'You're leaving Charley?..'.. Wanda glanced to Evie, who was still drawing with Loki.

'Not leaving, still be around, you know. I'd never leave Evie..'.. Peter smiled down at the little girl, before turning back to Wanda... 'I can't keep waiting, and she's made it clear to me. I'm moving on and moving out, I need to do this..'

Tony sighed, shaking his head. He understood the guy, and he was right, he couldn't keep waiting and holding himself back, it wasn't fair to him at all... 'Tell you what, I'll get you, your own place by friday, fully furnished, and your own car. I won't help with the job, you do that yourself. I can't say I'm happy to see you go, but I get it..'

'Thanks Tony, I really appreciate it. I haven't told her yet, I was going to tomorrow, once I checked out Rebecca's place, but I guess I got time now before we go out..'.. Peter checked his watch... 'Dating and living together might have been a bit much but at least we can still date this way..'

Tony watched with everyone else as Peter left, presumably to go talk to Charley... 'Shit is about to go down, isn't it?..'... He looked around at the others.

'He hasn't really been that talkative over the last few weeks, and she's been miserable, so I'm gonna go with, yeah..'.. Sam went to grab a bottle of water and a protein bar... 'I'll be down in the gym if anyone needs me, and I'm hoping you don't..'.. He headed out, gesturing to Steve and Bucky as he did.

'Evie..'.. Pepper called her and the little girl looked up... 'Me and the girls are going into the city, to see the botanical gardens and then get some dinner, do you want to join us?..'.. They weren't really, but Pepper had a feeling she needed to get Evie out of there, quickly.

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