Chapter 1 - Hoshino Wan

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The Honkai,
It is something that is widely known throughout the entire world. An unknown being of destruction that is threat to Earth and the beings that live within.

Over hundreds and thousands of people suffer from the destruction The Honkai has caused.
Funny how something like this sounds like something that came straight out of a fiction.

But it was true.

It was real.

The Humanity cause this upon themselves. Their greed, their selfishness, and their everlasting desire for power is what made this even possible in the first place.

They did this to themselves.

But then one day..


It was a normal day in one of the many classroom in a school on countryside. The sound of students talking to each other despite the fact that the teacher is clearly teaching on the front is something normal.

I'm Hoshino Wan, a 16 year old boy who lived in the countryside.

"Hoshino please answer questions number 10."

"Yes ma'am."

Hearing my name being called upon by the teacher to answer a question I quickly stand up with no complaints.

I answered the question that the teacher gave me with little to no difficulty which isn't something that is not that much of a suprise to everyone in the classroom since they know how much of a bookworm I am.

Academic hasn't been something that is a trouble for me since I've always focus myself on that aspect.

But while my academic skills is amazing, my social skills?

Not so much.

"Wan can you help me with this part?" One of my classmate asks me as he continuously show me the question he want me to help him with.

"Uh well.. I mean.." and here I am stuttering just from a fellow classmate asking for a simple request.

Great job Wan.

But I guess that's one of my most vulnerable weaknesses, I've had no friends and I don't recall myself having a childhood friend either.

Aside from the fact that I got my grandfather, I'm practically alone.

Usually that would bothers me but after going through it for the last couple of years, I've gotten used to it.

"You.. you have to multiple that numbers with that one first.. after that you have to times it by 10.. and there you have it.."
In the end I managed to briefly explained to my classmate how to do that question

My classmate quickly thanked me and goes to work.

I sighed in relief as I rest my hand on the table with my chin resting on my hand. Though I'm not exactly sitting by the window, I sit 2 tables away from it and I can still see briefly the outside of the school.

I look outside of the window and thought to myself just how peaceful the life on the countryside is,

And how boring it is.

The fact that I have no friends to begin with doesn't really help with my boredom. Perhaps if there's some kind of exciting things that happened it will make up for my lack of friend.

But then again, what kind of exciting things that can happen in the countryside?

Yeah that's what I thought too.

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