Chapter 57 - Home

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"Hehe! Home sweet home baby!"

Hana put both her hands on her waist, she put on her sunglasses and she immediately took a picture as soon as she got off her transport.

"I should be the one saying that." Hana looked to her side and there he was, Wan who's currently carrying almost everyone luggage. "It's my home and why are you looking so excited now?"

"The last time I went here, I was babysitting you but now I'm gonna consider this as a vacation!" Hana shouted loudly before starting to run away. "Holiday here I come!!!"

'Vacation?.. my hometown?' Wan laughed as drops of sweat fell from his face, the idea of his hometown as a vacation spot was too funny in his head. He had lived here for as long as he could remember and there was hardly anything here worth taking pictures of.

After his idea of letting everyone taking their time off in his hometown, everyone seemed excited especially Hana and Kiana. Hana's reason is that she can finally relax without having to swing her katana while Kiana reason is because she's excited to meet Wan's grandfather.

Bronya? She just follows whatever they're planning, as long as she has her phone she's fine.

And there were also two unexpected people who joined Wan and his friends.

"Your hometown looked very pretty." Mizunoki Shinobu says, she was wearing a beautiful summer dress and straw hat as she took out her camera to take pictures of the beautiful scenery all around her. "It's really not what I expected."

"I have to agree with Shinobu-san." Fu Hua agreed with Mizunoki, she was also fascinated by the beauty of the scenery around hdr. "Since nowadays we are used to seeing tall buildings everywhere, it feels like a blessing to see nature at its best."

Wan laughed awkwardly, hearing so many compliments about his hometown was something he never expected to hear but it was definitely a pleasure to hear. It made him feel proud to call this place his hometown.

"Say Wan-senpai!" Kiana jumped towards Wan from behind with pure joy and excitement. "How many amazing food is around here?!"

Wan smiled, of course Kiana's first question was about food, not that Wan hated it. "There's a lot of food here that you won't find outside so you better prepare yourself Kiana.." The boy stroked Kiana's hair and Kiana giggled. "It's my treat too, don't worry.."

"Yippee!" Kiana leapt with joy, not only she will be able to meet with Wan's grandfather but she could also try different types of food that's available here.

It really is pure heaven for someone like Kiana Kaslana.

"Subject Kiana always thinking about food.." Wan and Kiana turned to Bronya who had her eyes fixed on her phone although she quickly turned to Wan. "Don't worry Wan Nii-sama, if Kiana loses control then The Bronya will shove this RTX 3060 that The Bronya has long stop using down to Subject Kiana's throat so that Subject Kiana's stomach can no longer contain any more of unnecessary food."

"RTX what-"

Wan just looked confused by Bronya's statement but before he could ask, Kiana interrupted him. "What did you say you brat?! I'll get you I swear!" She screamed angrily before starting to chase after Bronya who had run away rather quickly. "Hey come back here!"

The boy just watched Kiana and Bronya run forward. At the speed they were running, they would definitely reach Hana soon. Wan then turned towards Mizunoki and Fu Hua who were too busy observing the surrounding scenery and with that Hoshino Wan just kept walking without not much in his mind.

That is until he noticed that out of everyone, there was someone he couldn't see. He turned around and there she was, Raiden Mei who was walking slowly with her gaze down to the floor.

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