Chapter 49 - St Freya Invasion (2)

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"I can't take any of this much longer." Raiden Mei spoke to herself in front of the mirror after washing her face which was only filled with tears.

Her eyes were red and tears were still running down her cheeks. Just a few hours ago she was waiting for everyone to return from their mission but what she didn't expect was to receive this news. She thought she would never lose him again, she thought that time in Nagazora would be the last time but she was proven wrong by him.

"Why are you so selfish towards yourself Wan..." It was true, she had noticed his self-centered behavior for a long time. Sometimes she just wished that Wan would stop putting himself below everyone and actually care about himself for once.

But it was already too late for that.


"I don't need any more headaches, get lost.. please." Mei said, as if what she is feeling right now wasn't enough, she didn't need anything more from this Herrscher inside of her.

"Rude," The Herrscher inside of her could be heard sighing. "I'm not trying to do anything bad, just checking up on you to see if you're okay that's all."

Checking on her to see if she's okay? Hearing that alone made Mei want to burst out laughing. Oh now The Herrscher is trying to show her sympathy for her? After all the things she's done now she wants to talk like she cares from the start? It honestly makes Mei sick.

Mei couldn't help but laugh but it wasn't genuine laughter, it was sarcasm that even The Herrscher understood instantly.

"What do you want? I'm not in the mood." Mei spoke weakly, she was too tired to deal with The Herrscher right now.

"Like I said, I'm just trying to check up on you."

"Hahahaha.. oh what's this? A Herrscher showing a sympathy towards her host?" Mei chuckled before her gaze turned dark as she stared into the mirror as if she was trying to stare at The Herrscher within her. "Cut it... I don't need any of your sympathy.. if you'd even have one."


Mei's eyes widened slightly as her reflection in the mirror changed. Her reflection appearance changes to when she is The Herrscher Of Thunder. Although she is surprised, Mei didn't back down and just looked back at her own reflection or rather The Herrscher Of Thunder right in her eyes.

The two stared at each other, The Herrscher and the host not looking away even for a second. It was strange indeed, The Herrscher who was supposed to be the embodiment of destruction was now staring at her with sympathetic eyes.

What does she mean by those eyes?

"Stop giving me that look." Said Mei.

Mei hated the fact that after everything The Herrscher put her through, she had the audacity to act as if she had done nothing wrong in her life.

If she didn't exist, Wan wouldn't have died that day!

"I said stop giving me that look!" Mei yelled at the mirror before raising her hand and clenching her fist, delivering a hard punch to the mirror as it left a large crack on it but it still showed her reflection even though the mirror was now broken.

The Herrscher stared at Mei, still with a sympathetic face. She knew very well that she had no right to say that she felt sympathy for Mei. "What is it that you want to do now Raiden Mei?"

"What do I want to do..?" Mei's hands slowly fell, gripping the sink as she began to breathe quite heavily. "I don't know.. but I do know that I want you to get lost.."

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