Chapter 65 - Father

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The night was cold and desolate, a stark contrast to the vibrant scene that played out before. Like a silent witness to the chaos, the darkness hung heavy in the air, a malevolent presence that seemed to mock the chaos.

In the silence of the night, the sounds of crying echoed through the air, a mournful lamentation for the pain and suffering that had befallen. The shadows danced across the walls like the remnants of lost souls, and the darkness seemed to devour the light, leaving only a sense of unease and foreboding. It was a night that would never be forgotten, a night that would haunt the lives of all who bore witness to the tragedy that unfolded before them.

Amid the turmoil and consternation, a lone figure stood towering atop the tallest building, surveying the masses below with a sense of detachment. From this height, the people looked like tiny speckles scattered across the landscape, and the spectacle amused him in a way he didn't quite understand.

His long, glossy black hair shone like a raven's wing in the moonlight, framing his face with an otherworldly glow. His eyes gleamed with an intensity that rivaled the brightest stars, and his features were so striking that many would consider him a work of art. To say that he was a handsome man would be to underestimate his attractiveness, for he was a true vision of beauty.

His hand gently reached into the back pocket of his pants, pulling out his phone in a deliberate, slow motion. With a steady thumb, he scrolled through his phone, finally landing on a voice message.

A gentle smile crept across his face, and with a delicate tap of his finger, he pressed the play button.

'Hello, dear are you there?'

Hearing the comforting sound of his loved one's voice, a heartwarming warmth filled him, washing away any doubt and worry. As he held onto the phone, his sense of love for his partner multiplied, his heart swelling with joy and contentment. A smile of pure happiness stretched across his face, and he felt like that everything would be alright.

'It has been quite some time, my heart yearns for your presence, my love. I understand that your work is vital, but I truly hope to see you soon. Your voice is my comfort, my light, and my joy. If only for a moment, I would love to hear your voice again.'

The sound of a gentle chuckle filled the air, and a moment of silence followed as the woman seemed to be lost in thought. Once she gathered herself, her voice rang out once more, laced with affection for the son they had together.

'Our son misses you terribly and he can't wait to see his father again. He's growing up so quickly, and I know he'd love to hear your voice and tell you about all his little adventures.'

A deep sense of longing permeated her voice, as if she was craving for the warmth and comfort of her husband's presence. Despite the distance that separated them, the woman expressed her desire to hear her husband's comforting voice, to feel the love and connection they had always shared, even if it was just through a mere voice message.

"..." The soft chuckles of his beloved wife's voice filled the man's ears, bringing a warm smile to his face. He remained still, gazing at the screen of his phone, listening intently to her every word. Each sentence, each syllable, each pause was carefully absorbed, cherished and appreciated.

'Ah, have you eaten dear? I pray that you have, as I know how you can be with skipping meals. Please, do not allow my worry to make you uneasy. I understand that you are occupied, but I would be most grateful if you could reply to my message as soon as you are able, dear. I am eager to hear your words.'

The woman's voice carried a hint of playfulness but also a genuine concern for her husband. Her tone expressed both her love and worries about her husband's wellbeing, and she asked him to reply to her voice message as soon as possible. Her words were filled with a sense of warmth and connection, even from afar.

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