Chapter 41 - Theresa

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"I hope you're ready for this."

In an unknown place, the higher ups of Anti Entropy can be seen gathered together. Cocolia, Einstein, Tesla, and a few more mysterious figures. The place they were in looked like a place where no one could properly describe what it was like, whether it was made by hand or made by an unknown force could not be said for sure.

Among all the people gathered there, only one stood out the most. His mysterious presence followed by his fearsome power that could be felt even from a mile away really made him stand out even more. From the way they gathered, it seemed that he was the superior among them. His wry smile along with the way he sat while looking down on everyone else present further proved his superiority.

"Everyone, the 3rd Herrscher has been tracked down." Cocolia began to open her mouth. "She is now located at St Freya. The time has come for us to reclaim our property."

The blonde hair woman put her hands on her hips. "I will now brief you on our mission to recover the 3rd-"

Before Cocolia could speak further, she was interrupted as Tesla took a step forward with a displeased expression plastered on her face. "Wait!" She said. "Didn't our sovereign tell us to get his permission before taking any action against the Herrscher?"

Tesla's question brought a smile to Cocolia's face, she turned to the man next to her. "Our sovereign? Indeed..." The mysterious man was still smiling slyly as Cocolia pointed a finger at him. "He's seated right here beside me from the start."

"What? What kind of joke are you implying right now?" Tesla had the kind of look on her face that one would have whenever they heard something they deemed as completely ridiculous. "Our sovereign has been hiding and changing identity for year-"

"Are you implying that I'm not your sovereign?" The man asked Tesla in a threatening voice.

"I don't know who you are and I don't know how Cocolia got you here but our sovereign is someone that's definitely no-" Just as Tesla was about to finish what she was about to say, the man raised his hand as a dark blue orb began to surround him and his hand. In a split second, the force of the gravity increased and it made everyone that was near his presence fall to their knees.

All except for him.

'Y-you gotta be kidding?! T-th-this-this kind of power..? It's-!' Tesla tried to brace herself under the pressure of gravity, she looked around to see others also falling to their knees. She gritted her teeth and forced her head up, she stared at the men who looked down on them.. 'This man-!'

The power she felt now, it wasn't the first time she felt it. To be honest, she was used to the feeling of this power because there's only one person that holds this kind of power and it's none other than their sovereign.

But it confused Tesla, how this man whom she didn't know, had never met or even heard of is capable of wielding such a power let alone one that is scarily similar to 'him'.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing Tesla.."

The man had a very menacing look on his face as he spoke, he makes it very clear to Tesla that he did not appreciate her doubts and the way she spoke to him. This is of course was due to his arrogance and way of thinking that he is superior to everyone before him, he will not tolerate any form of disrespect from whoever it is. "You don't talk like that to a me."

In an instant, the force of the gravity felt heavier and it became harder for Tesla and everyone else in the room to raise their heads, all except for him of course.

"Hugh!-" Tesla tried to stop herself from falling further but in the end her attempts was a useless one as she ended up falling completely flat to the ground.

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