Chapter 31 - Training

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"And this, this will be your new home!"

"Isn't this a dorm?"

"It still counts as one!"

Kiana forced herself to smile as she and Theresa now stood in front of her new 'home' which was actually just a dormitory. She has agreed to enrolled St Freya so that she can become stronger and protect everyone she loves. Not only that but Theresa also says that if she enrolled then she will tell her about her father's whereabouts.

So not only will she get stronger but she will also know where her old man is.

It's a win-win situation for the tuna!

"What are you waiting for? Open it!" Theresa command her, she seems oddly excited about it which makes Kiana wary just slightly.

Kiana raised her hand to grab the doorknob. As soon as she tried to open it, she heard a loud noise from the inside and the sound of someone's scream. "KYAAA!!!"

With Kaslana's instincts activated Inside her mind, she immediately opened the door as wide as she could, in fact she even kick it instead of opening it like how a normal people usually would. If anyone has a problem then she will definitely help them!-


Kiana face turned pale when she look inside, she was expecting someone to be in danger and that she's gonna have to kick some ass and save the day but she definitely wasn't expecting to see a bunch of old stuff all over the floor with a red haired woman underneath it.

"Ouch ouch.."

"I thought I told you to always clean it Himeko?!" Theresa who is standing just beside Kiana immediately scold the red haired woman.

"Ugh.. I'm always out in the Hyperion! Give me a break- ouch ouch.." The woman who Kiana just now learned her name to be Himeko hold her back in pain. "So, what are you doing here?"

"That's rude.. I'm here to-"

"Ah! Bronya it's you!" Theresa's words were cut off by Kiana when Kiana noticed the chibi girl's head popped up in the middle of the old stuff. She was buried under all that trash and all that was visible was her little cute head. "You really enrolled as well huh."

"Da, it's nice to see Kiana again." Bronya gave Kiana a smile where Kiana did the same. It's a relief to know that they both survived the disaster that occurred yesterday. They may not get along well but there are times when the differences can be ignored.


Kiana ears perk up in the familiarity of the voice that just called out to her name and not to mention the only one who ever called her 'Kiana-chan' is only one person and that person is. Immediately Kiana turned her head to the source of the voice and there she saw Mei standing with her hand on her chest.

"Mei-senpai!" Kiana yelp in excitement.

"Kiana-chan!" Mei did the same but unlike Kiana, Mei immediately went over to Kiana and hugged her as hard as she could. "I'm glad to know you're okay Kiana-chan!"

"I'm happy to know Mei-senpai is okay as well!" The two of them hugged eachother as tight as they possibly could. Some tears even rolled out of Mei eyes, mostly out of guilt and regret.

After all, even though she was out of control she saw everything that was happening and how she was the one who hurt the people closest to her. Kiana was no exception, she had almost killed her in a numerous different time when her body was under control. Now that she had Kiana in her arms, she is extremely relieved to know that she is still alive and that nothing bad happened to her.

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