Chapter 32 - Miss

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"Ouch ouch ouch... Mizunoki-san don't be so rough.."

"Shut it," Mizunoki frustratedly put a bandage on Wan's face, his face has some noticeable bruised here and there. She continued to treat the poor boy who had just fought against the Honkai Beast alone. "do you know how worried I was for you?"

"I know.. I'm sorry- ouch ouch!" He was cut off short when Mizunoki aggresivelsy put the last bandage on his face.

Now that all his bruises and injuries had been wrapped up, Mizunoki help him sit down comfortably and after he does she immediately hug the boy. "How many times are you going to scared me like that again?"

"Mizunoki-san.." Wan was surprised by the hug, he looked forward to see Hana motioning for him to hug her back and he did. "I'm sorry for worrying you."

It has been approximately a week since his 'death' and the only one who knew he's still alive by that time was only Himeko. She told him that it'd be wise for him to keep his alive status as a secret first, but now it looks like Hana and Mizunoki had found out about it aswell.

From what he gets, Hana had been training under Mizunoki for quite awhile and apparently Hana had been tasked tonight to roam this forest as her training but of course she had to stumble upon Wan who was fighting The Honkai Beast. Though thanks to her Wan was able to live to see another day, he will have to thanked her later because now he needed to focus on Mizunoki who is visibly shocked.

When Mizunoki had first arrived, her initial reaction was to scold Wan. She scold him by saying that death isn't something that's funny to be played with but after Wan had explained that he himself doesn't know how he has escaped death once again, Mizunoki calmed herself down and just bring the boy close to her. She had seen Hoshino Wan as her own little brother that she never had, she sees her own little sister Inside of him..

So when Wan had died for the 3rd time, Mizunoki thought that was the last straw and after a week she had finally accepted the harsh reality that Hoshino Wan is dead.

But it looks like fate has proved her wrong once again.

Back to the present, Mizunoki still embrace Wan on a tight hug. She had never felt this kind of happiness in her life before, she thought she had lost him. "The next time you want to play dead, at least tell me when you're gonna live again."

Wan laughed lightly, he found that statement a bit funny for its own good. The idea of him dying again just to live again sounds absurd..

But knowing that voice is still watching him, that possibility is very much likely. "Though I would want to avoid death again.. yeah.. I'd tell you the next time Mizunoki-san.."

Mizunoki slowly pull out of the hug, she took a deep breath before start questioning Wan the real question that had been in her mind since he found him in this forest all alone. "Who brings you here?"


"There must be someone who brings you here right? Whoever that is they know your death was only temporary." Mizunoki put one of her hand on her waist. "So, who is it?"

"Uhmm.. uhh.." Wan smiled nervously, should he tell them? Will he get in trouble if he do so? "It's uh.."

"I won't get mad honey, just tell me."


When Was was about to answer the questions, they were interupped by the sound of footsteps walking towards them from behind. Mizunoki and Hana gets ready with their Katana, the two of them turned behind..

"Himeko?" Turns out it's the red haired Valkryie, Hana and Mizunoki calm themselves down. "What are you doing here?"

"Oya.. since when did you guys get here?" Himeko put on an innocent smile, completely unaware of what's happening. "seems like you guys have met Wan aswell."

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