Chapter 88 - Heart

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Sakura's eyes dropped to her hands, clenched tightly around the blanket draped over her lap. Her grip tightened as she took deep, uneven breaths, her knuckles turning white from the pressure. The weight of her thoughts seemed to pin her in place, a silent accusation she couldn't shake.

The infirmary door creaked open, and Wan stepped in, his expression unreadable as he moved toward her.

"You're awake," he said gently. "How are you feeling, Sakura?"

She raised her head, but as soon as her eyes met his, she quickly averted her gaze.

Wan's eyes narrowed as he noticed how Sakura avoided his gaze. Keeping his movements slow and measured, he walked over and sat beside her.

"Why the cold shoulder?" he asked. "Can't even look at me, Sakura?"

"N-no, it's not that," she murmured, her eyes still fixed on the floor. "It's just... forget it."

"What is it, then?" Wan asked, his voice calm and even, his expression giving nothing away. "If this is about the combat exam, it's not that big of a dea—"

"It's a huge deal!" Sakura interrupted, her voice rising as she finally looked at Wan. Her outburst didn't seem to faze him in the slightest. "I failed! I failed the exam, I failed you... I..."

Sakura's words tumbled out in a rush, her voice tinged with frustration and guilt. "I trained for months! I followed every instruction, every single detail. But when it mattered most, I choked. I let everyone down. I let you down." She clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms as her body shook with emotion.

Wan sat silently, his gaze fixed on her, listening intently. He didn't interrupt, allowing her the space to vent. His stillness offered her a quiet stability as she poured out her self-recrimination.

"I know it's just one exam, but this was my chance to prove myself," Sakura continued, her eyes darting to him, then back to her hands. "I had one job, and I couldn't even do that. Everyone else passed, but me? I couldn't even make it through the basic combat drill without messing up. What does that say about me? About my future here?" She took a deep breath, struggling to hold back tears.

Wan remained calm, his expression showing a mix of concern and understanding. He didn't push her for more or offer premature reassurances. Instead, he waited, his presence steady, letting Sakura's words fill the space.

"And Rita was there... I know she saw it. I really thought I could meet her expectations and yours, but..." Sakura's voice faltered, her words dissolving into a choked sob. "I failed... I..."

She stopped, tears dripping onto the blanket she gripped so tightly. Her body trembled as she fought to keep from completely breaking down.

"I don't belong here," she said quietly, her voice barely a whisper. "Reina was right..."

Sakura's sobs filled the quiet infirmary, each one heavier than the last. Wan sat beside her, his hands resting on his knees, not offering any words of comfort yet. He knew this was her moment to release what she had been holding inside. Any interruption would feel like a dismissal of her feelings, so he listened in silence.

Outside the infirmary's open window, birds chirped in the distant trees. The gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze seemed out of place amid the tension in the room. Wan's gaze drifted to the scene beyond the window, watching the birds flit from branch to branch, their cheerful song contrasting with the grief that weighed down the air.

He felt the responsibility to say something, to console her, but he resisted the urge. Instead, he focused on her breathing, waiting for it to slow, waiting for the moment when she would need his support. It was a delicate balance—giving her space while still being there when she needed him.

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