Chapter 44 - Whom She Wants To Protect.

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"Finally I've done it."

A small figure could be seen inside some sort of big experiment tube slowly opened her eyes. That was the first time shee gained her consciousness as a living being. But, unlike others she wasn't human, or at least not what you would call a 'normal human'.


Theresa Apocalypse, that is my name. Unlike everyone else's, I don't have a parents. I am a synthetic person born in a lab from the union of the cells of a Valkyrie from a long time ago and a Honkai Beast.

My grandfather, head bishop of Shicksal, Otto Apocalypse, told me that due to a defect my body is unable to age. The blood of the strongest family that fight Honkai runs through my veins and I became the strongest warrior through my own perseverance.

However, it doesn't take long for me to realized that the members of Shicksal are suspicious of me and fear me. In their eyes, I'm an anomaly more terrifying than the Honkai Beasts. And thus, I begin to have my doubts...

Was the reason for my birth not to protect these humans? But why? Why can't I find the reason to protect them?

No matter how hard I try to find my reason to fight, a reason to fight for Humanity and every single living thing that exists on this planet called Earth, I always failed. I just don't understand why I should protect those who see me as a weapon and a being more terrifying than what they are fighting against. If I'm the monster here, why do I exist in the very first place?

That's why, I never really cared about humanity nor do I even care about myself. As for me, a person born in a lab, I see no reason to protect and it's not like I ever have anyone I want to protect. For as long as I can remember, the world has always been meaningless to me...

It was as if I was walking down a road that I knew had no clear ending.

I could never find it in my heart to protect others. Until one day, fate brought me to meet someone whom I truly wanted to protect.

Someone I never thought would become so close to me.


[21 Years Ago.]

"More Honkai Beast attacks have been happening quite often lately huh?"

"Yeah, it's honestly so frustrating."

Inside the warship, two pilots were chatting with each other and sitting in the passenger seat in the back was Theresa, Theresa Apocalypse. They were now heading to a place where there were reports of Honkai Beasts attacked there. Originally, Theresa wasn't supposed to be tasked with this mission but the last unit of Valkyries that was assigned had gone missing with no way of contacting them.

With no other units available, Otto had to forcibly assign Theresa to this mission. He wasn't worried for her because he was fully aware of what Theresa is capable of, even Theresa was aware of her abilities. She is probably the most powerful warrior that Humanity has to offer right now, well along with 'her' of course.

Theresa sat in her seat quite and calmly, sometimes she would eavesdrop on what the two pilots sitting in front of her were chatting about although it wouldn't take long until she finally lost interest in hearing their talk since it mostly consists of the politics talk and the Honkai attacked.

"By the way, have you heard about the Honkai Beast attack that happened 6 years ago?"

"6 years ago? Which one? Why are you even bringing up the attack that happened 6 years ago anyway?"

'Such a pointless talk...' Theresa thought to herself as she looked out the window, she wasn't interested in hearing their talk any further but even so she would still heard what they had to say no matter how much she tried not to.

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