Chapter 82 - Spirit

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The resounding echo of the bell enveloped St. Freya, prompting students to stream out of classrooms, their voices bubbling with excitement for the imminent break.

After the whirlwind of festivals and events, everyone yearned for this respite, none more so than a certain white-haired girl who eagerly anticipated collapsing onto her dormitory bed.

"Ahaha, finally, a chance to snooze to my heart's content!" Kiana exclaimed, her steps light as she strolled alongside Bronya and Mei toward their dormitory. "And can we talk about Himeko-Sensei not assigning homework? It's like a dream!"

"Let's not forget we have exams waiting for us after the break, Kiana-chan," Mei interjected, causing Kiana's enthusiasm to deflate at the mere mention of exams.

"You didn't have to ruin the moment, Mei-senpai!" Kiana protested, her lower lip jutting out in a pout.

"Nyet, it's imperative to stay focused, Subject Kiana," Bronya chimed in with her usual matter-of-fact tone.

Kiana rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, lighten up, you two! Let's make the most of this break! I've already got a ton of fun ideas swirling in my head!" She chuckled mischievously, tapping her chin in mock contemplation.

Mei and Bronya exchanged a glance, their interest piqued by Kiana's enthusiasm before quirking their eyebrows in curiosity.

"And what might those ideas be, Kiana-chan?" Mei inquired.

Kiana grinned, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Well, for starters, we could have a movie marathon in the common room, or maybe even organize a dormitory-wide scavenger hunt! Oh, and let's not forget about trying out that new café downtown everyone's been raving about!"

Mei's lips curled into a smile, while Bronya nodded in agreement. "Those sound like delightful suggestions, Kiana-chan. It would indeed be a refreshing change of pace."

"See? I told you it'd be fun!" Kiana exclaimed triumphantly, her enthusiasm contagious as they continued their leisurely walk back to the dormitory, their minds already buzzing with plans for the upcoming break.

"Sounds like a waste of time," Bronya spoke up, her eyes fixed on her phone screen. "Bronya would prefer to spend time in the dormitory."

Kiana's eyes widened with eagerness as she turned to Bronya. "Aw, come on, Bronya! It'll be so much fun! You can't miss out on our adventures!"

Bronya glanced up from her phone, her expression unchanged. "Subject Kiana, it's important to prioritize preparation for the upcoming exams. The Bronya must decline."

Undeterred, Kiana turned to Mei with pleading eyes. "And what about you, Mei-senpai? We can't let Bronya be the party pooper, can we?"

Mei chuckled softly, shaking her head in amusement. "Bronya does have a point, Kiana."

"Aww, come on!" Kiana exclaimed, her voice tinged with desperation. "After everything, I think we deserve a little fun, don't you?"

Mei pondered for a moment, acknowledging that Kiana did have a valid point. They had weathered numerous trials together, and the idea of unwinding and having some fun seemed more appealing than ever.

However, Bronya appeared unfazed by the prospect.

Determined to include her friend, Mei considered her options. "Bronya-chan."

Bronya shifted her attention from her phone, tilting her head curiously. "Yes, Mei Nee-Sama?"

"How about you choose?" Mei suggested with a warm smile. "You can pick the place for our relaxation."

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