Chapter 62 - It's Not The Truth

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"It's very nice to meet you, Hoshino Wan."

The silence between them was palpable, hanging thick in the air like a tangible weight. Wan rubbed the back of his head, eyes cast downward, his confusion evident as he struggled to find the right words to reply to Clista greeting. Finally, after an awkward moment of hesitant silence, he spoke, his voice barely audible above the quiet. "Um... Greetings."

The boy slowly approached the gorgeous girl, examining her in a polite manner. "Clista Isabella, is it?" he asked in a careful tone.

"Why yes, it is indeed me," Clista said, with the grace of an aristocrat resting her hand upon her chest as if to present herself to him. "Are you one of my fans, Hoshino Wan?"

"Uh? Uh well.." Hoshino wants to respond to Clista's question but he fears he might sound dismissive. He's so out-of-touch with the current trend of the world that he doesn't recognize her. Despite this, he wants to show some kind of respect and not come across as impolite. "..Yeah.. I am?"

Clista Isabella's eyes shone bright and her smiles went wide, as she clapped both of her hands together. "I'm glad to hear that. Do you have a favorite song of mine, or perhaps you know me for my outstanding performances in the film industry? What about my other talents that I've showcased, such as my accomplishments in the Olympics?"

The boy stood there like a deer in headlights as Clista rattling off a flurry of questions at him in record time. "Music? Film industry? Olympics?!" he stuttered, his brain already overwhelmed with the amount of information he's trying to process.

Clista tilted her head, the brunette-haired girl crossing her arms as she gazed at Wan for several seconds. Then, a gentle smile formed on her lips. "Oh my, I'd never have thought a Shicksal Knight could be so awkward."

"U-uh.. thanks?"

"That was not meant as a compliment," Clista laughed, her eyes sparkling. Moving with confident strides, she walked past Wan who kept staring at her. "I can already tell you're an interesting individual, Hoshino," she added with a playful wink.

Suddenly, Clista stopped in her tracks and turned to face the boy, an irresistible smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "Or do you prefer Wan?" she asked playfully.

"Oh... Well anything is fine." Said Wan, though he's accustomed to being referred to as Wan since everyone around him pretty much call him that. His interest was piqued because Clista Isabella appeared to be familiar with him. The boy queried, "My apologies, Clista-san, but, how are you acquainted with me?"

Clista Isabella's eyes widened as she gave the boy a regretful look. "Please accept my apologies. I almost forgot to explain how I've had the pleasure of knowing you." She paused, her expression conveying embarrassment. "I hope I haven't come across as a stalker!" She added with a laugh.

"No it's completely fine.. I'm just curious that's all."

"I completely understand your curiosity, and you have every right to ask," Clista whispered to him with a playful twinkle in her eye. "Well, I am someone who is well-versed in the history of your father. That is why I know you."

After hearing Clista answered, the expression on Wan's face instantly transformed into one of utter shock. For a second, he couldn't believe what he had just heard, but he knew it was true. "You know my father?!" he exclaimed incredulously.

"Shin Musashi? Why, I'm quite familiar with that particular gentleman!" She burst into loud laughter, pressing her fingertips to her lips, attempting to contain the noise but unable to stifle the sound of her joy. "You bear an uncanny resemblance to him, though I must say, you lack his air of authority and refinement. Please excuse my bluntness. I mean no disrespect."

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