Chapter 26 - Goddess Of Thunder

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The streets of Nagazora, once a beautiful place with many beautiful sights have now turned into a place full of doom. Thunderstorms rule divinely above the clouds, striking down those who dare to defy the Goddess of Thunder herself.

The place that was once free of Honkai is now filled with Honkai Beasts along with Humans that have been infected by Honkai, turning them into nothing but a mindless zombies.

What's the reason behind all these?

Standing above all else, she looked down upon those who have wronged her and those who have treated her and her loved one poorly.

"Finally I can get rid of you all insects."

It is a shame that all these people have to suffer, but they are the ones who brought this upon themselves. She had just felt better but of course it only had to go so far that her loved ones had to be killed right in front of her.

Inside her mind, the vision of Hoshino Wan head getting blown off repeating inside her mind. The only thing that she can see left from him is the brain that's been completely exposed from that shoot, but even his brain has been completely blown off as well.

She smiled, she wants to keep that vision repeating Inside her mind so that the hatred Inside her host could grow and she could sink deeper making her more in control.

Because you see, the one who's actually in control of Raiden Mei body is not Mei herself but rather her other persona. The Goddess Of Thunder herself and the one that will strike the Humankind for all the sins that they have committed.

"Now watch me as I clean up the mess you hated most, Mei."


What the hell happened? What the hell just happened?

Just earlier they were partying together as if there's no tomorrow, they were having a good time but now everything around them is completely destroyed.

Hana continued to run as fast as she can while carrying unconscious Mai-san on her back, it has been like this the past 2 hours now and she's completely exhausted. But she can't stop now, not when there's a literal beast and zombie roaming around the entire city.

"What even is all those things anyway?" Hana take a break, making sure she's hiding along with Mai-san on a very safe place. "Somehow it feels like I just got transferred into Resident Evil."

Now that she got a time to catch a break, she need to think back about what just happened and how did all of this happened. All she can recalled is that Mizunoki-san running downstairs with a panicked expression on her face, the last words she heard from her before everything suddenly turned pitch black and explode was,

"Everyone get the hell out of here right now!!"

She was unconscious after that explosion and after she was awake, she noticed Mai-san is just near her and not only that, her surroundings is completely destroyed. It was a complete shocked for her, to see that almost everything is destroyed make her want to fall unconscious again.

That's when she encounters a huge beast, a huge beast that she know from a glance only wanted nothing but to kill her and Mai-san. There is no way she's gonna die here so she ended up carrying Mai-san as she began to run away from the huge beast even though she herself isn't in the best condition to even move a muscle.

Hana took a deep breath, so far she hasn't meet anybody else's and she can only hope that everyone else is doing just fine and that they don't die. "Mei.. Everyone.. I hope you all doing alright.."

She looked up the sky, the sky that was filled with stars and full moon earlier has now been completely overshadowed by the thunderstorm that becomes heavier each minutes passed.

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