Chapter 95 - Manifestation

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'Still no signs...' Wan's thoughts raced as he scanned the snowy landscape of Siberia, his senses on high alert for any hint of danger.

As they pressed onward through the snow, drawing closer to the looming towers ahead, Wan couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension that gnawed at him. With Kiana at his side and Musashi and Siegfried leading the way, they remained vigilant, prepared for the possibility of encountering The Second Herrscher once again.

"Pss... Wan-senpai." Kiana's voice broke through the silence, her whisper barely audible above the crunch of snow beneath their feet. She leaned in, concern evident in her eyes as she addressed Wan by his real name, careful to keep their conversation private from Theresa.

"You look lost. Are you okay?"

Wan's smile was strained as he met Kiana's gaze, his facade faltering under the weight of his worries. "I'm... I'm fine, Kiana," he replied, his voice betraying his inner turmoil. "Just... trying to sense if I can pick up on her energy."

"Her?" Kiana's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Hana... who else?" Wan's sigh was heavy with frustration as he scanned their surroundings once more. The reality of their situation weighed heavily on him. They were indeed in the past, but the question remained: how would they ever find their way back to the present?

He rubbed his cheek, feeling a twinge of frustration at their predicament. Sure, meeting his father and hearing his voice was a surreal experience, but being stuck in the past was definitely not part of his plans.

As he pondered their situation, Wan couldn't help but recall a certain movie title that Hana had mentioned once. "What was that movie again? Back to the Past? Future...? Ah, who knows," he muttered to himself, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he tried to remember.

Suddenly, Hana's mischievous voice echoed in his mind, her words ringing with a hint of playful defiance.

'If ya find yourself in the past, just roll with it!' she had said with a wink.

Wan couldn't help but chuckle at the memory, realizing that maybe Hana's advice wasn't as crazy as it sounded. After all, they were already knee-deep in a bizarre time-travel adventure—why not embrace the madness and see where it takes them?

"Hey, Wan-senpai?" Kiana's voice was hushed, a hint of curiosity lacing her words as she glanced around to ensure their conversation remained private, especially from Theresa.

Wan turned to her with a smile, his eyebrows raised in anticipation. "Yes, Kiana?"

"I've actually been meaning to ask this..." Kiana hesitated, her brow furrowing slightly as she gestured towards Musashi, who was leading the way alongside Siegfried, her father. "What's your connection with Musashi?"

Wan's eyes widened in alarm, his heart racing as he searched for a suitable response. He let out a nervous laugh, trying to mask his unease.

Oh no... Kiana still didn't know that the legendary Shin Musashi was his father. And to make matters worse, they were stuck in the past, with only him and Kiana from the present. This was definitely going to be an interesting conversation.

Conversation? Hell, it'll be a whole interview.

"Ah, well, you see..." Wan leaned in closer to Kiana, hoping to deflect her growing suspicion with a convincing explanation. "Musashi here is... a friend of mine. I'm pretty sure he mentioned it earlier."

Kiana's innocent smile faltered as she raised an eyebrow in confusion. "But, Wan-senpai, you're 17 and Musashi is like... dead in the future, so how can he possibly be your friend?"

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