Chapter 54 - Back To 'One'

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Thunderstorms continue to rage and the sound of lightning striking the earth is a constant reminder to someone familiar. A reminder of the loss of many lives caused by the destruction he has wrought on innocent souls.

Yet, he still stood there with most of the thing on his mind was about the cold-hearted action he was about to do right now. Wan stared at his opponent, the opponent who had brought all his friends to the brink of death and also the possible death of one of his closest friends, Fujuki Hana herself.

"And I thought you are dead." The First Herrscher spoke to him, he stared at Wan and continued to keep his eyes on him the same way Wan also keep his eyes on him. "So it was true about what Einstein say, you are capable of resurrection."

He laughed amusingly, the idea of resurrection after death was something he had always considered absurd and he even laughed at Einstein when he first heard about it from the blue haired scientist. However, the boy standing in front of him was the living proof of how it was indeed a possibilities and that it wasn't just a fairy tale made up by grandparents to entertain their grandchildren.

"I don't know how you've made it possible but you're just asking for another death by coming at me." Just then the thunderstorm strikes down to the behind of The First Herrscher as a way to intimidate Wan. The boy could feel the immense power coming from The First Herrscher, the combination of two destructive powers was in The First Herrscher's hands.

His eyes shone brightly in their respective colors, dark blue and dark purple as he looked down at the boy in his sight. "Foolish boy.. you're standing in the presence of a god!'

The earth shook in a way that responded to the power coming from The First Herrscher, it was truly terrifying and a force to be reckoned with. Any ordinary soul that gaze their eyes at him would inevitably mistake him for some sort of god.

Wan stood still, even after all the displays of how truly horrifying The First Herrscher power was, he showed no sign of being intimidated by his presence. His eyes that seems to have lost it's colour were still fixed on his, his expression is unlike anything he had ever shown before.

"..." Wan looked down as he opened his hand to take a closer look at his palm, there was a little blood on it, more precisely it was the blood of his dear friend who he wasn't able to help. "Hana..."

How his heart pounded when he saw her lying on the ground with purple veins all over her body, he had never felt so desperate to ask someone to live with the last one being when he thought his grandfather was gonna leave him. To push it even further, he was now greeted by the sight of the three of his close friends on the brink of death.

"Bronya.." He looked at Bronya lying helpless, her skin covered in her own blood.

"Mei…" He turned around, now looking at his first ever friend who is clearly not in a much better state than Bronya either.

Lastly, he turned his head again as his eyes laid upon certain someone with white hair. "Kiana..." Wan went quiet, he was too shocked by the sight that is in front of him that he didn't know how to reacted properly.

He was gone, he didn't know for how long he was gone but while he was 'dead' all of this happened? He thought the action of sacrificing himself was enough to protect his loved ones but no! Rather from the looks of it, what he does did not bring any good whatsoever, not even a little.

He slowly walked closer to Kiana, ignoring The First Herrscher who is running his mouth because right now, all that was on Wan's mind was the fate of his friends.

"Hey you tiny boy! I'm talking to you!" The First Herrscher tries to get Wan's attention only for it to be proven useless. "I said I'm talking to you!"

Wan knelt down on one knee right next to Kiana, he wiped the blood that was flowing from The Kaslana's forehead. He scrutinized her face carefully as it was slowly being showered by the heavy rain that shows no sign of stopping any time soon. There were simply just so many thoughts that took time for Wan to process when he first saw Hana but now it felt like everything about him had just been shattered in an instant.

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