Chapter 85 - The Wish Of A Star

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Startled by the familiar call, I slowly roused from my slumber, the sound of my grandfather's voice cutting through the haze of sleep. With a yawn, I reluctantly opened my eyes, squinting against the intrusion of morning light filtering through the curtains.

As consciousness slowly seeped in, I became aware of a strange sensation beneath me. Frowning in confusion, I reached down to investigate, my fingers brushing against a familiar texture. With a puzzled frown, I retrieved the object, a worn notebook that seemed out of place in the softness of my bed.

How did that end up here again?

The memory of the previous night's activities began to trickle back into my mind, the hours spent hunched over my sketchbook, lost in a world of pencil strokes and imagination. With a tired sigh, I realized the toll it had taken on my body, leaving me feeling drained and disoriented.

Rubbing my eyes in a futile attempt to banish the remnants of sleep, I pushed myself upright, the notebook clutched in my hand. But before I could fully comprehend the situation, my grandfather's voice echoed through the room once more, a sense of urgency underscoring his words.

"Hoshino Wan! You're going to be late!"

The sudden reminder of my impending responsibilities jolted me into action, dispelling the last vestiges of sleep as I hurriedly prepared to face the day ahead.

I sprang out of bed, shedding my shirt in a rush, grabbing my towel as I darted towards the bathroom. Amidst the chaos of my morning routine, I called out to my grandfather from upstairs.

"I'm already moving!"

As I entered the bathroom, my mind foggy with fatigue, I fumbled to recall the time, realizing with a groan that it had slipped my mind entirely. The thought of facing another day at school felt like an insurmountable challenge in my current state of exhaustion.

With a weary sigh, I flicked on the faucet, bracing myself for the shock of cold water against my skin. "Ugh... cold," I muttered between stifled yawns, the icy sensation serving as a rude awakening to the reality of the morning ahead.

Despite my overwhelming desire to crawl back into bed, I knew I had to push through and prepare for school.

The thought of a promising future spurred me on; if I could excel academically now, it might pave the way for success down the line.

With determination fueling my actions, I resolved to make my grandfather proud one day. His unwavering support was a constant source of motivation, driving me to strive for greatness in all that I pursued.

I nodded to myself, a silent affirmation of the task ahead, though there was no one around to witness it. Another yawn escaped me as I begrudgingly accepted the inevitable.

"Alright," I muttered to the empty bathroom, lathering soap onto my skin in an attempt to banish the lingering drowsiness. A sudden sneeze interrupted my efforts, followed by a weary sigh as I shivered against the chill of the morning air.

"Why is it so cold...?" I questioned aloud, the discomfort of the icy water amplifying my longing for warmth and comfort.

As I carefully set the soap aside and began rinsing off under the water, I reached for the shampoo, anticipating a smooth continuation of my morning routine. But just as I thought luck was on my side...

I felt myself losing balance, the world around me seeming to slow to a crawl as I descended towards the hard surface below. With a soft thud, I landed ungracefully on my rear.

"O..." I chuckled wryly at my misfortune, acknowledging the less-than-ideal start to my day. With a resigned sigh and a mix of amusement and discomfort, I couldn't help but vocalize my reaction.

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