Chapter 40 - Approval

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A few hours have passed since the unfortunate incident that happened in front of Hoshino Wan. Luckily for everyone else in the town, they were all safe and didn't suffer any serious injuries. However, the same cannot be said for a certain old man who is currently on his way to the emergency room on a hospital cots.

"Gramps can you hear me?! Gramps?!" Wan begged right next to his grandfather, there is so much going through his head that he couldn't even shed a single tear. "Gramps please! I'm begging you!"

He has never felt heartbroken like this, seeing his grandfather's condition now.. no words can describe his feelings. All he knew was that he wanted his grandfather to live even though his current condition made that particularlly impossible. He held his grandfather's hand, there was barely any warm in his hand and this is the first time his grandfather hand has become so cold. But, he could feel it, his grandfather was still alive but that could only last so long if he didn't get any treatment.

Hoshino Wan held and stayed by his grandfather's side until he had to stop as all he could do is watched his grandfather walk into the emergency room with nurses and doctors by his side. He wanted to scream, he wanted to be by his grandfather side until the end but he knew that he couldn't so he just stood against the wall waiting and hoping for the positive outcome. He slowly sat down on the floor, against the wall while clutching his hair in frustration with both hands.

There were too many thoughts in his mind. If only he had been faster, if only he had not run away from home and left his grandfather alone then maybe all this would not have happened. He punched his head in frustration, in his mind he blamed no one but himself.

"Protect everyone eh..?" Wan mutter quitely to himself, trying to hold himself from breaking down. "You couldn't even protect your own grandfather you pathetic piece of crap!" He said to himself before punching himself again.

It had been a long time since he harbored hatred from his heart and that hatred was none other but for himself, himself who thought that he was fit for the path he had chosen. It was ridiculous now that Hoshino Wan thinks about it, he told himself that he wants to protect everyone but it's been shown several times that he can't no matter how much he tried. He can't even protect his own grandfather!

The boy raised his hand and punched the wall as it left a hole in it. "I don't know what to do if you're not with me Gramps.. please.." he mumbled before curling into a ball, hiding his face in between his thigh. "Please live.. please..."

He stayed like that for a while, thinking about everything and about what would happen once the doctor came out of the emergency room, would it be a good news or otherwise?

Not long after, Wan heard the footsteps of someone's running very close to where he was. The boy lifted his head slightly to look up at the new arrival and not far from where he sat he saw Fujuki Hana catching her breath, it looked like she was running here. Her red eyes that showed nothing but panic met Hoshino Wan.

"Wan..." She called his name, Hana slowly walked towards the boy and knelt right in front of him. "I heard about what happened, I'm sure he wi-"

In a moment of distress, Fujuki Hana found herself getting wrapped in Hoshino Wan's arms as he began to broke down with his head resting on Hana-san chest. "Hana..gra-gra-gramps.. gramps he's-" his voice was breaking as tears just fall down right on Hana's.

Fujuki Hana stared at the boy in concern and sympathy, she could understand how much was going on inside the poor boy's head. As if he didn't have enough already yet fate had to give him more. "I know... I know..." She spoke softly while ruffling the crying boy hair.

At this point, it was not uncommon for Fujuki Hana to see Hoshino Wan crying. In fact, she would say that she had seen Wan let out all of his emotions more than anyone else did, even Mei. Even so, it doesn't mean that Fujuki Hana finds Wan's nature of always crying in front of her is annoying, if anything it is the exact opposite. She might not know Wan very well compared to her other friends but she knows Wan well enough to know that he was just an ordinary guy just like she was just an ordinary girl with nothing but ordinary dreams.

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