Chapter 42 - History

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"I... can't remember any of this..." A pile of books can be seen next to a certain Kaslana who has been studying for a long time. Her head can clearly be seen smoking because of the stress she experienced just from reading books for hours. She had enough, Kiana Kaslana threw the book she was holding against the wall in frustration. "Why do I have to be tested with a such boring subject like history?!"

Her mentor, Bronya Zaychik sighs hopelessly. Even after hours of trying to teach Kiana, there was still no sign that she really understood a single thing! It got Bronya wondering if there is even a limit in Kiana stupidity.

"Subject Kiana is really stupid it's actually unbelievable."

"Girl shut up!" Kiana crossed her arms. "Learning history is stupid! Why do we have to learn something that already happened?! Like, just let it go!"

"It's not something as simple as that," Bronya respond calmly. "But of course someone as dumb as Idiotka won't understand that."

"Why you!!" Kiana tries to grab Bronya who easily runs away from her, is she trying to teach her or mock hrr?! Either Kiana is not happy with her humiliation!

After several minutes of trying to catch Bronya, Kiana fell to the ground gasping for air. She had given up on studying, it was too much for her brain to comprehend a single thing the book was telling her.

"Arghh I give up!!!" Kiana stayed on the ground and throw a tantrum like a little child. "I don't wanna do this anymoreeeee!!! Wan-senpai help meee!!"

Bronya just sighs hopelessly again, there was just no way she can teach her normally.

'Wait.. normally?' as if some wild idea appeared in her head, Bronya quickly looked for something behind her much to Kiana's confusion.

"What are you doing?" Kiana asks her curiously.

"Just wait." Bronya kept searching and searching, she just got the wildest idea. If she can't teach Kiana the normal way then maybe the key to get her to under is to teach her the unusual way. "Found it."

"Found wha- woah!"

Bronya pulled out a helmet from her back, the helmet had a unique design that was very familiar to Homu but instead of it's usual color of yellow, it was blue instead.

"Homu-homu virtual reality linker!" Bronya said in an exciting tone, at least it was 'her' exciting tone because from Kiana Kaslana point of view, she remain just the same with her usual emotionless expression and emotionless tone.

"Homu virtual what-" Kiana tilt her head, she has a dumfounded expression on her face. "What is this? Some kind of Doraemon gadget- hey why are you putting it on my head?!"

"Shut up Idiotka," Bronya put the helmet on Kiana's head. Kiana tried to remove it with all her might but it remained stuck to her head.

Bronya also put something on her head that said 'MK-I', and before Kiana could hope to understand a thing about what Bronya was doing to her, Bronya muttered. "Link start."

"Hey what are you doin- Ekkk!!" In the blink of an eye, Kiana found herself in the middle of what looked like to be a library but from what she could see, there were a lot of books around her and there seemed to be no end at all as to how far the section goes. "Wh-where am I?!"

"Oi confused child!" Kiana was startled when she heard a voice from above, she raised her head to see Bronya in a very odd outfit that resembled a ... fairy.. "I am the guidance fairy Bronya, I shall guide you to the truth."

"Guidance.. Fairy..?" Kiana tries to hold herself from cringing at Bronya's odd personality. Forget about where she is right now, how the hell is Bronya even flying is what matters to her most right now. "Oi Bronya where did you bring me and how the heck are you flying?!"

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