Chapter 15 - Rescue

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This is the current situation where Hoshino Wan find himself in. In the middle of a battle where he has to find his friend that got kidnapped.

Never in his 16 years of living, he would have thought he would be in these kind of situation. But here he is, running down the hallway while opening some door he could find one by one in hope that Kiana is inside one of the many rooms.

Not even mentioning that the sword he's wielding in his hands.

So far he has not encountered a single person and he hoped that it stays that way but considering what Einstein told him earlier while they were inside the Mech, he will definitely run into someone.

Which isn't ideal..

But she says that it'd be better if he ran into a Soldiers instead of a Valkryies, he's assuming that means he's better off running into a man than a woman.

If Wan didn't know any better then he would be skeptical about it but from what Wan has seen, these so called 'Valkryies' is hundreds time stronger than most men..
'A side note to asked regarding this whole Valkryies thing to Einstein later.'

It doesn't matter anyway since he don't really feel like bumping into anyone because even if it's a Soldiers, Wan doubt he can even defends myself..

He may not be the type to casually underestimating himself and his capabilities but even Wan needs to admit that he's not a fighter, he never even fought for crying out loud!

Unless you're counting that sparring with Mei as a fight then I guess you could say Wan has fought for like 5 times now.

But sparring with a wooden Katana is entirely different to fighting in a situation where you could die at any moment.

Speaking of wooden Katana, Wan thought it was hard to wield that bokken but now that he's holding a real sword in his hand..

"Why is this thing so heavy?!" He hold the urge the let out a groans, he's been carrying this sword since he get out of the Mech and this thing is heavy..

If Wan were to guess it should've weighed around five to eight kilograms, doesn't seems that much right? Well yeah, but it's different when you're gonna have to swing this thing later on.

'Tesla-san is on her own, she definitely can handle herself..'

Wan movements stopped when he heard someone just around the corner of where he was standing. He hide and take a peek to that corner and saw two soldiers guarding a metal door, the two of them has a guns in their arsenal.

Wan gulp nervously or more specifically in fear. Even with this sword in his hand, can it even do anything against a firearms?

Wan takes a deep breath to calm himself, it's better to think than just burst in recklessly. He's dead if he did things recklessly and that's gonna ruin his whole plan of saving Kiana.

"Alright.. think.." Wan look at his surroundings to see if there is any thing that could possibly help him in the situations he's currently in.

Considering how the soldiers has a firearms, he can't really charge in since he will just get shoot at and it would only take one simple bullet for him to be six feet underground. But if he were to make them come here first then maybe he can do something about it..

But of course if there is anything that can make them get near him.

Wan scanned his surroundings again but there isn't anything that could be possibly help him right now, and the fact that he's actually scared as hell doesn't really help it either.

He take a peek at the two soldiers again and saw how they're currently talking with eachother. That's when Wan noticed something above of their head there is a fire sprinklers system.

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