Chapter 69 - Who Are You ?

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[A Few Hours Before The Incident]

"Excuse me there kind sir, have you heard of a gentleman named Shin Musashi?" The girl's inquiry was met with silence, accompanied only by a perplexed expression from the man before he continued on, leaving her to sigh deeply in frustration.

"Well, that was rather rude!" A voice chimed in as Kiana, with hands on her hips, appeared beside her.

"Relax, Kiana. Anyone would be puzzled by such a question," her friend replied, attempting to soothe the frustration, though she herself was growing weary of their quest for information on Musashi.

Clearly exhausted, Kiana let out a loud grunt and stomped away in a directionless stride.

"Where are you off to?" Hana questioned.

"Finding food!" Kiana exclaimed, her tone teetering between anger and urgency.

"What about asking the locals and-"

"Just a quick food hunt won't hurt!"

Hana sighed, letting Kiana go on her way, and she found herself lost in deep thought as she observed the bustling city of Malacca around her. The vibrant colors of the buildings contrasted with the serene river flowing through the heart of the city, creating a picturesque scene that belied the frustration she felt.

As she walked, Hana couldn't help but ponder their futile search for information on Shin Musashi. It seemed like they were hitting dead ends at every turn, and the lack of progress was starting to weigh heavily on her mind.

Lost in contemplation, she wandered through the winding streets, taking in the sights and sounds of the city, hoping that somewhere amidst the bustling crowds and colorful architecture, she might find a clue that would lead them closer to their elusive goal.

As Hana wandered through the streets, keeping Kiana in sight but maintaining a distance of no more than 30 meters, she tried to gather clues by asking a few locals about Shin Musashi. However, each conversation yielded little information, and her fatigue grew with each passing minute.

Feeling drained and disheartened by their lack of progress, Hana eventually came to a standstill, her gaze fixed on the horizon where the sun was slowly setting. The sky painted hues of orange and pink, casting a warm glow over the city as it prepared to transition into the night.

Lost in the beauty of the moment, Hana let herself forget about their mission for a brief instant, allowing the tranquility of the scene to wash over her. For a moment, the weight of their quest lifted, replaced by a sense of calm and serenity as she watched the sun dip below the horizon.

'When was the last time I had a moment like this?' Hana mused to herself, her eyes fixed on the breathtaking sunset before her, its brilliance igniting a pang of longing within her soul.

Before she embarked on the path of a Valkyrie, Hana's life unfolded in the gentle rhythm of tranquility and normalcy. Days were spent amid the simple pleasures of ordinary existence, where the soft whispers of everyday life intertwined seamlessly with the gentle cadence of peaceful moments.

Why did she choose to become a Valkyrie again?

Ah, yes, it was because she believed she had nowhere else to turn. Indeed, she found herself without companions or confidants. Nagazora had been her sanctuary, until it fell victim to a tragic twist of fate, leaving her adrift in a sea of uncertainty with no harbor in sight.

Alone in the world, Hana bore the weight of her solitude with a quiet resilience. Not only did she lack companionship and a place to call home, but she also carried the burden of parental absence. Orphaned at a young age, she had grown accustomed to navigating life's challenges without the guiding hand of a mother or father. Their memories lingered like whispers in the wind, fleeting reminders of a past she could never reclaim. Yet, despite the ache of their absence, Hana pressed forward, determined to carve out her own path in a world that often felt indifferent to her struggles.

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