Chapter 58 - Shines The Brightest

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Both my eyes opened slowly and my gaze was greeted by an unfamiliar environment. Feeling confused, I slowly stood up and took a closer look at my surroundings. "Where am I?"

It was just an empty field with nothing else, not even a building or anything that would give me an indication of where I was now. I decided to start walking around, maybe I would find something that could help me along the way.

I walked and walked but as far as I went, there seemed to be no end. It's like I'm standing on the ground with an infinite distance so it doesn't matter if I walk for hours I will just see the same view that's just an empty field over and over again.

"Hm?" I stopped walking when I felt my foot step on something. That's weird, I was pretty sure there was nothing on the ground when I was walking earlier.

Slowly I found myself staring at the ground and to my surprise, there was nothing on the ground. However, something's wrong, I can feel it. So I decided to bend down and slowly put my hands on the ground.

And that's when I felt something.

I dug into the ground with my bare hands. Many possibilities run through my mind, my heart is telling me that I should stop or I will regret it but at the same time my mind telling me I should continue and in the end, I let my mind win and keep on going.

After a few minutes of digging, I spotted something. The color of it was pale and I still couldn't identify what it was so I decide to dug deeper...

Not knowing that it will be my biggest mistakes.

I jumped back in fright when I finally managed to identify what it was before. I was wrong, it's not a 'thing', it's a 'person' or more specifically...

A human head.

"W-what?" I spoke up in confusion, I was horrified at what I had just seen. Suddenly, a  scream of terror reached my ears as the entire environment around me turned dark red, like blood. The screams sounded like they were coming from many different people with each scream sounding different from each other but their tones all matched, it was just pure terror.







I don't know why but somehow I feel like all these screams sounded just like all those emotions. As if they were the embodiment of those emotions itself. Something had happened to them and I can't tell what it is.

The overwhelming pressure that is put on me is beyond what I can comprehend, why are they targeting me? What did I do? Why are they screaming like that?

Covering both my ears, I walked backwards, unable to properly control where I was going until I tripped over something as I walked backwards in which caused me to fall on my back first to the ground. I looked forward to see exactly what I had just stumbled upon and to my surprise I saw it was a lifeless corpse, tears immediately falling as I realized the corpse was none other than my friend Fujuki Hana.

Her face was pale, one of her ears was missing, her chest has a hole in it, one of her eye was gone and her entire body was filled with purple veins due to honkai radiation. I sobbed, I cried probably the hardest I had ever cried when I immediately held her body in my arms.

And when I looked around, suddenly there were many more bodies of innocent people lying on the ground. Each of their condition is terrible, I have never seen such horrors before.

It was at this moment that I realized where I really was, this was not an unfamiliar environment. It was during the time I entered that 'form' in order to defeat The First Herrscher, more specifically all this empty field was the aftermath.

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