Chapter 81 - I Love You

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"Where am I...?" Her voice trembled as her eyes swept across the surroundings, a strange sense of déjà vu enveloping her. It felt as though she had traversed this scene countless times before.

Raising her hand in a futile attempt to grasp onto something, she felt a heaviness in her chest, as if tears were on the brink of spilling over.

"Why? Why is this happening?" Her voice wavered, barely above a whisper.

"Who are you...?" she asked softly, her gaze fixed on the figure before her.

Why did he seem so familiar?

A blue jacket adorned with white lines tracing its sleeves, hair cascading in soft curls, and a gentle smile etched upon his face—a comforting presence that enveloped her.

But his eyes remained hidden from her view.

"Who are you, truly...?" Her voice quivered with uncertainty, a plea for clarity.

Suddenly, he drew closer, his touch delicate as he lifted her hand. In an instant, the surroundings transformed, as if they stood atop the very fabric of creation itself.

It was a scene reminiscent of two gods entwined in love.

"Why..." Her voice trailed off, confusion mingling with the tight grip of his hand, binding them together amidst the shifting expanse.

His lips parted, releasing words that hung in the air, each one carrying weight as she listened intently, her eyes widening with each syllable.

"If I'm not the one meant for you, then I'll step aside," he declared. "Yet, if I exist solely for you, then I'll remain by your side for eternity."

"For me...?" She whispered, seeking confirmation.

He nodded, enfolding her in a tight embrace. "Isn't it true...? My very purpose is intertwined with you..."

Tears welled in her eyes as she returned the embrace. "Yes... it's because of me... only me..."

"My entire being... solely for you..."


Drawing back, he cupped her shoulders, his tender smile unwavering. "...Everything... for me..."

"..Everything..." Her voice quivered, a tremulous smile forming. "For you..."

As they stood there, locked in each other's gaze, the realization sank in deeper. His existence was an extension of her own, intertwined with her essence in a bond that transcended time itself.

His whole existence was a testament to her, a manifestation of her influence on his very being. From the moment he drew breath, it was she who breathed life into his purpose, and that truth would endure for all eternity.

He existed because of her, and it was a reality that would never waver, never falter. Till the end of time, in every beat of his heart and every breath he took, she would be the reason, the guiding force that shaped his existence into what it was meant to be.

He held her close, his arms wrapping securely around her waist, drawing her nearer to him with each passing moment. With a gentle tilt of his head, he leaned in closer, his breath mingling with hers as anticipation filled the space between them.

She reciprocated his embrace, her fingers intertwining at the nape of his neck, pulling him in as their lips met in a tender union. Time seemed to stand still as they melted into each other, the world around them fading away into insignificance. Each touch, each caress, spoke volumes of the depth of their connection, a silent declaration of their love for one another.

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