Chapter 46 - Power

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['Hoshino Wan, I'm Sorry.']

Why, why is she apologizing? Rather, who are you and how do you know my name?

Slowly I turned my head, my eyes met the stranger's eyes. Her bright red eyes were like a dying star, too much to comprehend just by staring into them.

However, I was disappointed because no matter how much I tried to carefully looked at this person. I couldn't see anything and all I could see was the person's eyes along with her lips. Her eyes that felt familiar yet unfamiliar at the very same time.

'Why can't I see your face?'

The person smiled bitterly at me, her mouth slowly opened as if she was going to answer my question but she stopped at the very last second. No words, not a single one came out of her lips.

But I want the answer, why can't she give me any answer? Why can't I see her face? Why does she look familiar but unfamiliar at the same time? Who is she?

Just then, the person lips moved and at that exact moment I somehow knew what she was going to say.

['Hoshino Wan, I'm Sorry.']

Why? Why is this person apologizing to me? I could tell that her apology was genuine, it was like she had really done something terrible even though I had no idea what it could have been. But it still doesn't answer my questions...

As if the voices that constantly came out of nowhere weren't overwhelming enough for my head, now there was someone mysterious who somehow feels very familiar. In a way, it was funny how I am much more than what I originally thought...

What happened to the me that is normal that lives a normal life with his grandfather?

I closed my mouth and held my breath, staring straight at the person in front of me, I had to at least try to get an answer to any question even though I knew that I would never get it.

So I asked her, 'Do we know each other?'

It's a simple question really, although to be honest, it's not really a question. Because I already know the answer to it,

We do.

We do know each other. Granted I may not have any recollection about this person but there is one thing I am sure of, we have known each other before. That was proven during the time of my second death, the time when it I saw my childhood days right before my eyes...

She was there, always by my side.

I stared at the person again, expecting at least for her lips to move. She seemed hesitant but after awhile her lips moved slowly...

I didn't expect her to answer to my suprised, she did. But there was one thing that surprised me the most and that was what she answered my question with...

['No.'] She said.

So that was a lie, a blatant lie that anyone could tell just by hearing the tone of her voice. But why, why is she lying? Why did she even bother to lie to my face?

I stared at her, slightly disappointed but I decided to not push it. If she doesn't want to tell the truth, so be it. Something then hit my mind, I looked around me and I just realized that I was filled with nothing but empty darkness with the only ones in here being me and this person.

How did I even get here? I only remember I fell unconscious but what happened before that? Hana.. yes, Hana was with me and we were about to follow Himeko-Sensei and others..

And then she starts talking about the scroll and how there's a lette- wait. Yeah, that's right. It was after I saw a letter written on the second half of the scroll I felt my whole head go blurry before I fainted to the ground...

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