Chapter 28 - Death

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It is something that every living being will experience. No matter how great or powerful a single being is, as long as they experience what a life is they will face death one day. The only difference is the time each living being will experience death.

There are many types of stories about how a person will experience death and where they will go after death. Some say that it depends on our deeds in life that determine whether we go to Heaven or Hell while some say that there is nothing after death.

Only pitch black where only our memories remain.

But there is something beyond death, whether it is heaven or hell no one can say for sure but there is definitely something beyond just 'pitch black'.

A soft sound came out of the young boy's lips, his eyes slowly opened. He slowly looked around where he was, everything was nothing but pitch white surrounding him.

From a laying position, he slowly got up and stood up. There was a headache from the moment he woke up that was constantly attacking him but that is the least he could worry about right now. What matters to him now is where he is and what he is doing here?

He decided to examine the place he's currently in and just like before he could only figured the colour white everywhere he sees..

Except from the floor where he noticed that he's standing to what it seems to be a black line that has a starting point all to the way to an end point. Yet, he's in the middle of it.

He try recalls back about what happened, it took him some time but he eventually realized.

"I'm dead.."

He was brutally shot in the head while he was spending time with his best friend. How did he know he was shot? Because it wasn't instant death. He lived for a while but in all fairness, his own head was exploded, it definitely didn't take long too him to finally die.

This was the second time he had experienced death but it was not the same. The first time he felt death, an unsettling feeling and a sense of lost overwhelmed him.

But now he felt as if he's being embraced in a warm hug and he was being guided more to a right path by someone. Guided by whoever made him feel this way.

He jumped slightly when he felt a touch on his hand, he turned to see who had touched his hand and although it was only a split second, he saw a woman with short hair and red eyes touching his hand gently but other than that he couldn't fully see the woman full appearance.

Even if only for a moment, her touch felt gentle and attentive. Something about her felt strange, in a good way.

"I wasn't expecting you to die again, at least not this early." A voice suddenly appeared out of nowhere, the young boy looked around the room to find the source of the voice. "Don't bother trying to find me, I'm not there."

He stopped looking the moment the voice told him to. This voice, it is the same voice that appeared when he first experienced his first death. He could tell because he knew this voice very well.

"I put a rather high expectations on you Hoshino," the voice continued on. "but I won't blame you completely for what had happened, that shot was unexpected."

He stay silent because he didn't know how to respond to the voice. "Aren't you gonna say anything?"

His eyes widened slightly, he hesitated for a moment to speak but decided it would be better if he actually spoke up as well. And the best thing he should say first is to ask a question to the voice..

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