Chapter 79 - A Leap Forward

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The Honkai,

A widely recognized menace, casts its shadow over the entire world—an enigmatic force of destruction that threatens both Earth and its inhabitants. Its impact is felt by countless individuals, victims of its relentless devastation. It's almost surreal, reminiscent of fiction, yet undeniably real—a sobering truth. Humanity's own folly, driven by greed, selfishness, and an insatiable lust for power, has brought this calamity upon itself. They are architects of their own downfall.

However, the Honkai isn't exempt from blame. Believing themselves to be akin to gods, they wreak havoc upon mankind, perpetuating an imbalance that fuels unbridled rage—a fury that inevitably harms both humanity and the Honkai alike. As a force of nature, seemingly dispatched by Mother Nature herself, its purpose is to restore equilibrium.

Foolishness—an endless cycle of folly.

It is sheer arrogance for mortals to believe they can control nature, when in reality, it is nature that holds dominion over them, not the other way around.

19 million years of suffering, yet the question remains: when will this cycle finally cease?

Is it now, perhaps?

No one truly knows, not even you.

Nevertheless, amidst it all, the only option remains to press onward.

Extending one's hand, whether for survival or otherwise, is a choice solely within one's own grasp.

Yet, there existed a clash, a confrontation between two souls with divergent yet intertwined ideologies.

Their struggle fractured the very essence of each other, for better or for worse.

Since that pivotal moment, a considerable span has elapsed, yet the echoes of that conflict persist within his consciousness.

And now...

A year has slipped away.


"Kya!" The piercing cry of a young woman shattered the usual hustle and bustle of the city streets, echoing off the concrete walls and mingling with the distant honks of passing vehicles.

Tears streamed down her cheeks in rivulets as she darted through the maze of buildings, her heart pounding in her chest like a frantic drumbeat. The Honkai Beast pursued her relentlessly, its monstrous form casting a shadow over her every step.

With each breath labored and panicked, she pushed her legs to carry her faster, the pavement blurring beneath her feet. Her voice cracked with desperation as she cried out for help, her pleas reverberating off the silent facades of closed storefronts and deserted alleys.

But the city remained indifferent to her plight, its streets devoid of any sign of life save for her and the relentless predator at her heels. In her frantic search for sanctuary, she realized with growing despair that she was utterly alone, with no one to turn to for aid or protection.

As the Honkai Beast closed in on her, its massive form thundered closer, shaking the ground beneath her feet with each heavy footfall. With a sickening thud, the creature slammed into the pavement, sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

The force of the impact knocked the young girl off balance, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground in a tangle of limbs. "No, please!" she whimpered, her voice trembling with terror as she scrambled to her feet, her eyes wide with fear.

Frantically scrambling to regain her footing, she cast a terrified glance over her shoulder, her eyes widening in horror as she saw the monstrous visage of the Honkai Beast looming over her, its snarling maw dripping with saliva and its eyes gleaming with predatory intent.

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