Chapter 4 - A Good Thing

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The smile never leave the blonde man face, sitting alone he rest his chin against his hand as he look towards the big screen in front of him.

The screen itself is showing an image of what seemingly to be a young girl with white hair, a lot of information about her can be seen besides the image.

The Man who is currently observing the young girl is has a name,

He is Otto Apocalypse.

The overseer of Shicksal,

Schicksal is the earliest established organization in the New Era to fight the Houkai. Consider it as an anti honkai organizations.

"K-423 has made her move Otto-sama." Her assistant called Amber appears before him.

"I can see that Amber. Based on her tracks, where is she heading to now?"

"Based on the tracks it seems like she's heading towards Nagazora Otto-sama." Amber replied with no hesitation, she press a switch as the huge screen in front of Otto show the movement of K-423 he's been observing. "Based on this tracks we can safe to say that she will ended up in Nagazora after a week."

"Nagazora huh, interesting. Can't say I didn't expect it." Otto grin as he looked at the screen before him

"Shall I called upon some Valkryies to capture her Otto-sama?"

Otto shook his head, still looking at the screen and the information in front of him. "We don't have to do that, at least not yet."

"Speaking of Nagazora, isn't that also the place where Ryoma daughter lived?" Otto asks calmly

"Yes, Otto-sama."

Hearing that information Otto couldn't help but smiles even more.

Looks like whatever he is planning is turning into something much more interesting than he can imagine..

Having 2 potential Herrschers is better than 1..

However, Otto expression turns from that of a pleasant to that of a frown. "Nagazora huh, ME corp and Anti Entropy.. such a distraction."

Amber didn't say anything, or rather, she doesn't know what she should say. What Otto is trying to accomplish is something that she alone doesn't really have any understanding of.

All she knows is that she need to obey Otto's order.


"Yes Otto-sama?" Amber was quick to answer, she didn't waste a single second.

"Is there any valuable information that you would like to show me?"

Amber think about it for awhile, she does have an information but she doesn't know if it can counts as a valuable or not. "I do have an information Otto-sama, but I doubt it can be seen as a valuable information."

Otto eyebrows raised slightly, though his assistant just told him that it might not be a valuable information, it's still an information nonetheless.

He might as well just listen what it's all about.


"It's about a young boy."

"A young boy you say?" Otto curiosity perk up,"What's with this young boy?"

"He personally gain the interest of Raiden Ryoma himself."

Gain the interest of Raiden Ryoma himself huh?

Usually that would be something incredible to everyone else but to Otto, that sounds like nothing special.

He is Otto Apocalypse after all,

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