Chapter 56 - God's Gift

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"Why does the Bishop want to see me?"

In an aircraft piloted by Theresa, the two of them headed to The Shicksal headquarters the moment Theresa received the message that Otto Apocalypse wanted to have a little talk with Hoshino Wan. "I don't know Wan."

It was very sudden and also confusing for Theresa, just what is it that her grandpa want from Wan? She tried to think of several reasons as to what could be the reasons but no matter how many reasons she came up with, none of them seemed to make sense especially when one is talking about Otto Apocalypse.

Even Theresa had to admit, she was never able to read him.

Otto is just the types of someone that you never know what's going through his mind and what he might be thinking of doing next. It's not a surprise tho, he's one of the smartest people to have ever step foot on this planet. There is a reason why he is The Bishop Of Shicksal.

"..You think I'm going to get executed?" Wan asked the woman next to him in a clearly nervous tone. "For the actions I did that is..."

"Haha oh you.. don't worry, grandpa Otto is a very wise and intelligent man." Theresa laughed at the boy's extreme thinking even though it was totally reasonable as to why he was so nervous and possibly scared. "I'm sure he just want to have a light conversation with you."

"You think so?" Wan asked again, still not completely convinced.

"Yep, trust me." Theresa nodded her head to reassure him even more. "And don't you worry, I'll be with you so there's that!"

Wan breathed a sigh of relief, he was happy to know Theresa would be with him. If he pursued the thought of talking to the great Bishop all alone then he would have pass out before he even got there.

The boy then took out his phone, luckily he had given his phone to Himeko during the secret mission because if he didn't then it would have been destroyed. He stared at his phone screen for quite some time which piqued Theresa's curiosity.

Not only does he stare at it intently but he also looks quite sad the more he stares at his screen.

"What's wrong? You've been staring at your phone for quite some time." Theresa being the person who cares deeply about the boy next to her, asked the question that was playing in her mind.

"Hm? Oh.. its nothing.." Wan smiled bitterly as he turned slightly to look at Theresa. "Just waiting for any news from Himeko-Sensei regarding Kiana and everyone.."

"They are all strong and amazing Valkyrie.." Theresa spoke softly, a small noticeable smile forming on her face. "You've spent enough time with all of them, I'm sure you know as much."

Wan's bitter smile remained on his face, he would not disagree with Theresa that they were all strong. But he couldn't help but still feel worried and not to mention that some of them were in a critical condition because of him. He kept checking his phone, hoping that at least he would receive news that one of them had woken up.


Theresa doesn't really like seeing Wan like this, no, infact she doesn't like it at all. In an attempt to change the subject, Theresa tried to find anything that could lead to a very light-hearted conversation, it was then that Theresa noticed how old Wan's phone was. It is an old model that not many young people today usually use.

"You don't plan to change phones?"

The boy was a little taken aback by the sudden question and he turned to look at his own phone, it was indeed very old phone and maybe that's why Theresa asked him about the possibility of changing phone. However, a smile appeared on his face. "No, it still works."

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