Chapter 30 - New Path

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[St Freya Academy Dean's Office]

"Ugh.. my whole body feels like it's gonna shattered at any point." Himeko groan tiredly as she step inside the the office.

As soon as she stepped into the office, she was immediately scolded by another voice that was already in the office. "Using Nexus System that is still under development and forcefully maximize its power to block The Herrscher attack. You should be grateful that you weren't heavily injured and lying in bed!"

Himeko faced forward to turn towards the source of the voice, right in front of her she saw a small girl dressed as a nun pointing her index finger at her before saying. "You reckless bomb woman!"

The little girl dressed as a nun is none other than Theresa Apocalypse.

Seeing her, Himeko just smiled and blushes slightly. "Oh my you're so small I barely notice you there~"

"C-cut that nonsense! Hand me the report!"

A soft laugh escaped Himeko's lips before she take out some sort of small chip from the inside between her breasts. "Wait a moment.. I'll give It to you alright?"

"Wh-why did you put the data in there!"

"Oya? Did you forget? We were collecting all these data behind the organization. To prevent the other members of our organization from finding it, I have to hide the data inside the safest place!"


Himeko burst out laughing as she then handed over the small chip to Theresa who grab it with extra carefulness. "It even has your body temperature.. disgusting."

"It's a blessing in disguise." Joked Himeko.

"We're getting off tracks, report to me what happened last night Major."


The wind enter the infirmary and gently blew the soft hair of the still unconscious young woman. Eventually, a soft sound escape her lips as she eventually opened her eyes in confusion.

"..Huh?" When her eyes finally opened to reveal two pairs of red eyes, she looked around and surveyed the room she is in.

"You are finally awake huh?" She looked back to see Mizunoki Shinobu with many injuries on her body even though most of them had already been bandaged. "Fujuki Hana."

"Shinobu-san?" Hana looked at her in confused, she slowly touch her neck in pain. "What happened..? Where am I?"

"You don't remember?"

Hana shook her head, she just felt that her throat feel a little weird but other than that she couldn't remember a single thing. Mizunoki sighed before walking over to Hana and sitting on the bed next to her, she stared at Hana with a sympathetic look that made her even more confused.

"What is it?"

She placed a hand on Hana's right shoulder. "You really don't remember a single thing whatsoever?"

Hana shook her head again, the confused look on her face clearly say that she wasn't lying when she said she really didn't remember anything. "I really don't.."

The look that Mizunoki was giving her now made Hana start to feel uneasy and nervous. She couldn't help but think that she had forgotten something very important and the fact that she was now in the hospital clearly tell her that she does.

Yet, Mizunoki seems hesitant to told her about it. "What did I forget about Shinobu-san?"

Silence filled their conversation and all they could hear was the sound of the wind gently blowing their hair. It starts to get intense with Hana starting to get more and more uncomfortable as the seconds pass.

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