Chapter 7 - Hope

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The first weeks of living on Nagazora has been pretty good for Hoshino Wan. The people here are nicer than he thought and he actually managed to talk to people, after 16 years of living he now feel like he actually have the capability to hold a conversation!

It was only for Mei tho,

But now he can hold a conversation with another person besides his grandpa, now that's a good improvement for him.

Wan lets out a tired yawn as he rest his chin on his hand. The event of yesterday couldn't make it hard for him to sleep,

"If you couldn't find a true friend before then I'll be your first one."

He did not just say that yesterday,

That was so corny!

When he spoke those words to Mei he didn't feel anything at first but once he got home it actually got him thinking about life.

More specifically his life and the choice he just made.

He could say something else but no he just had to say those corny word!

But looks like his words did make Mei a little happy, or at least that's what it looks like to him.

So maybe it wasn't that corny?

Oh no it definitely is.

Wan lets out a tired sigh, he decided to not think much about it anymore. He look around the half empty classroom. Not everyone has arrived yet besides a few classmates of his that he doesn't know what their name is.

Even if he knows, he doubt he can start the conversation with them.

As he looked around the classroom, his eyes glance towards the door and there he saw Mei enter the classroom with Hana.

Mei noticed Wan presence and give him a heartwarming smile,

"Morning Wan."

"Morning Mei."

Both of them smile at each other, calling each other by their name is a really good development for them.

But unknown to them, Hana who is still standing beside Mei noticed the way they called each other. "Not calling each other by family name anymore I see."

Mei and Wan blushes, both of them quickly turn their head to Hana.
The one who seems embarrassed the most is Mei.


Hana chuckled before she turn to Wan and pat him by the shoulder, "I like how smooth you are Hoshino." Says Hana with a little smirk

"Hanaaa!!" Mei quickly hold Hana and try to get her far away from Wan as possible.

Hana simply laughed and let Mei drag her to her place in which once she arrives on her place she simply sit down.

But not without giving Wan a thumbs up first.

Mei sighed and sit down in her place as well which is beside Wan, "Sorry about her, she can be like that sometimes."

"Fujuki-san.. she have a lot of energy doesn't she?"

"Well that's just how she is."

Wan turn his head to the back of the classroom to see that Hana is still looking at him with a look that say 'go go you can do it.'

Well it was certainly better than the look that everyone else in the classroom is giving him,

The look of jealousy and hate sends chill down Wan spine. He is sure that if they got an opportunity, they would literally kill him.

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